Dawn Of A New Day

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⭐️Chapter 72: Omnoir

Together, the squidbeak (except Emperor) superjumped to their correct locations. The fusions decided on using the squidbeak's weapons instead of their own so that they could have a better chance of making the half shadow-half regular ink. Marina and Pearl watched them as they sailed over. They looked at each other and nodded. This fight was gonna need a backup song.


And they were off. Pribony on the right arm, Crove and Flise on the left arm, Pitchle and Ret on the left leg, and Nechi and Kurana on the right leg. Sure enough, the bombs were launched on, and everyone began to ink them. Ret looked to the side, only to see Specs, Headphones, and Bobble also on the boots. He quickly dashed over to them.

"What are you guys doing here?!"

"Helping, silly!" Bobble replied.

"But...you guys don't..."

Headphones shot at a bomb, and it exploded.


"Yup! We got some cool new weapons! Raven charger, Soot Slosher, and Ebonbrush! And we're gonna help you guys!" Specs said.

"Oh. Uh. Thanks!"

And with that, they got on to the boots. Specs and Headphones worked on Ret and Pitchle's boot, and Bobble went to help Nechi and Kurana, since the dynamo was slower than the blaster and less help was needed. Pitchle covered the upper parts of the boot since shooters had more maneuverability, with Headphones backing him up. Ret and Specs got the bottom and base of the boot. Ret began flicking at bombs from where he was, since only a small amount of ink was needed to detonate a bomb. Specs was going around the sides of the boot since the dynamo would take too long to raise up and bring down to ink a single bomb.

Meanwhile, Pitchle and Headphones were almost finished with the vertical part. It was kind of annoying, having to swim up, shoot, and then quickly fall back into your ink before you hit the ground. When they had started, Pitchle had moved around to the back of the boot to shoot, since Headphones couldn't reach back there. However, this part was riskier, since he couldn't afford to hit the ground when he fell from shooting a bomb. If he did, he'd have a possibility to be splatted via being stepped on, and that wasn't on his list of plans for today. It was hard, but he had to keep going. Headphones had finished the front already.

Pitchle only needed one more bomb, Specs was getting the last bomb by the rims of the shoes, and Ret was finished, checking their boot to see if they had missed any spots. So far they hadn't, so it was all down to Pitchle to get the last bomb on the left boot. The last bomb was located near the top of the boot, and Pitchle was struggling to get it, since the boot sort of stuck out diagonally a bit, making it harder for him to get a grip. Maybe he could try hitting it from the side, and that would work? He carefully moved over to the side so the bomb was still within sight and range. He jumped out of his ink towards it, and shot at it.

The ink hit, and the bomb exploded.

All bombs on left boot, splatted!

Pitchle let out a sigh of relief after going back into the ink and swimming back down. Now that the left boot was done, the squad there could rest easy. Nechi and Kurana meanwhile, had begun on the other leg, not wasting time. Nechi had to be more careful with their blaster, since it was a slower fire rate. Kurana worked on the vertical part of the boot, and Nechi and Bobble worked on the lower part of the boot. Bobble got the hard-to-reach spots, and Nechi got the bombs on the flatter parts of the boot. When he was done, he went to ink the front side of the vertical part of the boot.

Splatoon Manga: NightRoadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora