Chapter 19: Princes

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⭐️Chapter 19: Princes

The two locked eye contact.

'Resist urge to scream, resist urge to scream, resis-'

Prince screamed anyway.

And so did Ebony.

Prince didn't know why he was screaming, to be honest. Maybe it was because he was face to face with a shadowling? Even if they were familiar, it was still shocking to see them again. Ebony on the other hand? He didn't know either. Was it because he was simply copying the inkling? Was he doing it to make things less awkward? He didn't know.

Prince then remembered to only make loud noises if he had found the exit, so he immediately shut himself up by covering his mouth with his hands. Ebony followed.

"It'" Prince whispered.


The two sat in awkward silence.

"Did we ever introduce eachother?" Prince whisper-asked.

"Don't think so"

"I'm Prince"


"Why are we whispering?" Prince continued, actually curious.

"I don't know..." Ebony responded, also curious.

The two hesitated before slowly dropping their hands and the whispers. They then snickered amongst themselves like the awkward children they were.

" are you?" Ebony asked with an awkward smile. He figured the least he could do was start a conversation.

"I'm good, you?" Prince liked this.

"Also good..."


" inkopolis still good? Are those other species from the square safe?" 

It was something that had been bothering Ebony since.

"Yeah! Don't worry, we're on a mission to stop your brother!"

"Oh thank goodness!"

"Okay but uh...what's the whole deal with you? Like...what's going on?" Prince asked.

"Ah, see, our mansion home that has kept us safe for generations is now beginning to crumble, and we need a new place to stay. Inkopolis is nice, but I don't want to take it by force..." Ebony said, letting everything spill. He had been waiting for a chance to say this.

"Ah, I see. Well, if I can get my teammates to listen to me, maybe we can help!"

If their situation was THAT simple, then why not?

"Really? You'd do that for us?"

"Sure! Inklings and Octolings are very understanding if you give them some time...well, most are."

"So, are you and your brother royalty?" Ebony asked. He was curious.

"Wait, me?" Prince pointed to himself.


", but we're rich I guess? And high rank in turf wars..."


"Wait, you do turf wars?" Prince perked up.

"Sorta. It's weirder at home. It's more about battles sort of, but also inking? It's hard to explain."


"Is...there anything I can do to help you defeat my brother?" Ebony toyed with his hands and fingers a bit.

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