Chapter 67: Ballroom

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⭐️Chapter 67: Ballroom

"Alright, here we go..."

Slowly and together, the group pushed open the doors to the ballroom.
Upon entering, they saw it was HUGE. But also very a strange sort of way. Something about it just seemed off.

Colored stained glass panes covered the upper part of the walls, the floor was checkerboarded with black and white squares, there were pillars and elevated areas and everything, perfectly polished and in good condition too! The room was AMAZING! There was a chandelier above them, which was lit with strange purple flames. The center dance area was very big, and everyone was surprised that such a big room like this could fit within the mansion. They began to walk around, looking at the abstract designs on the walls. They were mostly purple, but seemed to yet also tell a story.

There were also pictures hung up. Ones of what the squidbeak assumed were the previous rulers. Prince searched for Ebony's picture, only to not find it. He wondered why Ebony wasn't up there yet.

"This is indeed a strange place..."Gloves said, still looking around.

"Agreed." Hachi said with a nod. Shadowling designs were interesting. So abstract, yet so meaningful.

Goggles turned a corner.

Oh wait, there was a SECOND HALF of the room?

"Yipee! More exploring!" He exclaimed, and skipped over to it.

"Goggles, wait up!" Rider exclaimed, as he dashed after him.

The rest soon followed.
This room was like a hallway, and there was only a door to the right, at the end of it. There was an elevated platform that held a dark, polished wooden desk with something behind it. Behind that was a background of clear glass squares that were perfectly aligned with one another, where you could see that it was night time at the moment. The design was the same to the ballroom's, and this place was also pretty large. It was like the ballroom had a hallway or something, as this could hold many people for parties. Nothing was hung up in here, and there were no other things on the floor.

Suddenly, they spotted a singular black chair. The thing behind the desk.

No, wait.

It looked like a throne chair.
Indeed it was not, but it was odd.
The group slowly approached it.
The chair swiveled around to reveal Noir sitting on it, smile on his face like always. The squidbeak gasped, and got into fighting poses. The shadowlings followed as well.
Noir looked up at them.

"So you've come this far, huh..." he said calmly with a grin.

"Where. Is. My brother." Prince asked firmly, walking to the front of the group.

"Your brother?" Oh no, don't worry, he's perfectly safe here~"

"Prove it!" Prince shouted. He didn't trust him.

"Alright, alright..."

Noir snapped his fingers, and Emperor appeared, but he was trapped inside a clear black bubble. The bubble floated a few inches off the ground.

"What have you done to him?!" Prince yelled.

"Absolutely nothing. I'll free him if that's what you wish." Noir said, keeping his calm, confident attitude. He dropped his current smile to look at Prince.

"Do it. Please." Prince continued, preparing for any tricks.

Noir snapped again, and the bubble popped. Emperor landed on his feet. He had a dull, saddened look on his face, but he didn't seem to be under any sorts of spells.

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