Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Yes, we're still friends."

"I don't really care much about him, but I suppose I am a bit worried. He's been awfully distracted out on the pitch as of late. He's not acting like himself at all. Is he okay?"

"I — I don't know," said Odette as she ran a hand through her hair, "I don't know. I don't know! I don't know anything!"

"Odette! It's okay. Calm down. It's okay," said Lola, "It's okay to not know. No one knows much around here. We don't know if our families are going to die tomorrow or tonight. We don't know if we're all going to survive. We don't know if we'll know each other in the future. We don't have to know everything, even Olivia Mae doesn't know everything."

"At least she knows things," said Odette, "She knows where to find her information, she knows how to put it all together. I could barely even understand her words and she was so clear."

"Not everyone can be friends with everyone like Olivia Mae is," said Lola, "That's where she gets most of her information. Through people."

Perhaps that was where they were the most different. She looked for answers in books, but Olivia Mae looked for answers in people. Still feeling awful, Odette walked in silence for the rest of the walk.

Benny placed Olivia Mae on a bed as Lola called out for Madam Pomfrey. Lola tried her best to explain the situation while Odette stared at the ground. Benny went to stand beside Odette.

"Are you okay?"

Was she? Was she really okay? Could she turn to him and smile? Would she be able to smile and nod, exclaim how she was fine and they should focus on Olivia Mae? No, she couldn't act happy, but she could try.

"Why wouldn't I be?" said Odette, "I'm not the one laying on a bed in the hospital wing."

"That doesn't mean you're okay," he said, "You may be perfectly happy physically, but that doesn't mean you aren't dying mentally."

"You don't have to ask if I'm okay," said Odette, "Because I am. I'm okay. I'll always be okay."

"I don't doubt you," said Benny, "It just sounds like you're stressed. You might need a distraction or two."


"Why don't we meet up tomorrow during lunch? We won't talk about school or ourselves. We'll just talk. Talk about anything; a distraction."

Odette pursed her lips together before she nodded, "I suppose we could do that."

"Odette," said Lola as she left Olivia Mae's side, "Why don't you go and find Olivia Mae's friends? Even Mei. They all deserve to know."

"She's not going to di—"

"So, you're telling me you wouldn't want to know that your friend's in the hospital wing unless they're going to die?" said Lola

Benny fell silent.


Odette moved away and Benny went to follow.

"It's okay. You should stay here," said Odette, "Or go to your friends. I rather be alone at the moment."

"Oh, sure," he said, but Odette was already out the door.

Love, Aurélie | REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now