Chapter 42

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POV Bellatrix

I was pacing the living room with anger. So apparently the fucking hunter some how succeeded in being made.

I thought they said they were going to take care of it but I guess the fuck not.

Last night I relinked me and Bekah. Since it was her, me and Elena.

I growled in annoyance at the inconvenience of these fucking people. I closed my and placed a hand to my tummy.

I will protect you.

The door opened and the Mikaelson men strode through leaving me to stand there with my arms crossed.

My glare harsh and they all looked at me with sad expressions. Nik the most.

I felt a rumble ignite in my chest and I let my eyes wander to Rebekah stomping in after her brothers.

"You let him live? Why in the bloody hell did you let him live?!" I yelled at them and Nik stepped forward making my predator instincts kick in. I watched with a calculated expression.

"Love..." he started but stopped when I felt my lip curl up. I let my powers deep into his mind and I felt myself growl.

"I'm going to bathe in her blood." I growled my eyes flashing their fiery red color.

"Elskan calm down." Elijah said and I let my gaze drift to him. My eyes narrowed.

"Not going to happen. He is a threat. Yet the poor poor Elena just couldn't live without her precious hunter. So you let him die with transitioning! But miss Bennett witch had to interrupt that! God dammit!"

I yelled and grabbed my hair. My vomit coming to my throat and I held in a breath as I didn't want to vomit.

"Bellatrix, my love." I heard a soft voice call out and I open my eyes to see Finn holding his hand as if to calm a wild animal.

I take a breath and motion him forward. He comes and wraps himself around me. I lean myself against him and I could feel the tiredness hit me.

"You need sleep my love." He whispered and I sigh my eyes opening and they narrow on Nik.

"You said it would be taken care of. I will not let any of my mates die. If you don't take care of this..." I said coming forward I growl letting my fangs protrude.

"....I will." I shove my shoulder with his and glare at Rebekah who gives me a stare that tries to intimidate me.

Rolling my eyes I walk by here and grab my coat from the hanger before making my way to the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" Nik asked and I sigh.

"If you must know....To eat. I want greasy burger food." I said before walking out.

My mind on the thought of a burger and fries. "My love."

I stop when Finn walks next to me and I smile before feeling a body press a kiss to my neck. The scent belonged to my crazy baby.

Turning I hop up and wrap my legs around his waist. "Kolly my jolly witchy baby." I said with a cute Eskimo kiss.

He smirks to me before giving me kiss to my lips. "You missy, are going where?" He asked and I roll my eyes.

"Kol your only a year older than me." I said and give him a pout and he laughs.

"So wrong on that statement love." He said and I laugh scrunching my nose to him.

"Food." I said before hopping out of his arms and vamp to the end of the road and into the forest.

I place a hand to my stomach and sigh. Nobody can know at the moment. Not until it's completely safe.

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