Chapter 24

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POV Narrator

"Brother What is it?" Finn asked and the group moved to the man.

"It's an invitation to her brothers wedding." He said and showed the invitation to the others and they look out the door as they heard a pain filled scream.

Making them all run out the door after the scream.

Niklaus in the front trying to follow her scent. He ran to find her in a clearing in the arms of Katerina.

He walks over to see the stream of tears going down her face and his heart constricted. He hates seeing her sad at any moment.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Katerina hissed out at the family. Her anger for them growing knowing they did something.

"We did nothing. She just read this and freaked out!" Rebekah said holding out the paper.

Katerina snatched the paper and let her eyes read over the words. Her eyes widen and now knowing why the girl was so upset.

She subconsciously brought the girl closer to her. "Do you know any reason why she would be so upset about her brother being married?" Elijah spoke and Katerina sighed.

"Let's not speak here. Grab her and let's go to your place." She spoke and they nod. Niklaus picked up his mate gently as if she was a piece of china that could break at any moment.

They walked back to the house and the entire time Nik would feel her bury her head into his shoulder and could feel the shaking in her form.

He would bring her closer that way she could get his scent into her nose. She would calm but it still broke his heart seeing her so vulnerable.

As they entered the living area he went to the couch and sat in the middle so the other brothers could be around her. Elijah on his right. Finn on his left. Kol on the floor so her is right next to her.

Katerina sat on the other side and sighed as Bekah glared at the girl.

"....she was originally Bellatrix Blossom. She never told me to much as to why she left her home town but...She said it was there was an accident. So she moved in with her uncle and cousin up in Forks Washington. There her name changed to Bellatrix Swan." She spoke and they all exchanged glances not knowing this.

"She was....beautiful is what she said. Her eyes always made her feel insecure. She had heterochromia which if you don't know is condition where one eye is a different color than the other. I'm her case it was extreme. She had a bright green eye and and dark but bright blue eye."

Katerina took a breath to let the information settle with them. They all looked slightly shocked but she knew they would be even more.

"Her cousin was dating Edward at the time she moved into town and knew about vampires. She said her blood called out to him. He had almost killed her when she first met him. She figured out after catching their family in the woods with blood around their mouths she found out about vampires."

They all looked at each other not knowing what to think.

"He broke up with her cousin for a while and spent all his time with Bellatrix. She had trusted him and one day they were playing baseball and a couple of out of control nomads cane through. James, Victoria, and Laurant." Katerina spoke and the brothers all tensed.

"That day when they came he had a choice to make. Protect Bella from James who had threaten her or he could protect Bellatrix who's blood was alluring and strong....."

All the men look down at the red head as she had her head buried in Niklaus's shirt.

"He chose Bella. He took most of his family with him to protect Bella. That's was James main target but his mate....his mate was Victoria and she was smart. She had saw how they had made sure she was alright. They all said she would be safe with the shifters would imprinted on the girl. As a brother of course." She jokes with them and they relax slightly.

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