Chapter 1

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Pov Bellatrix

I've always hated being interrupted. It's rude and tacky. Yet I do it all the time. Hypocrite, yes I know.

I decided to go out and hunt. My hunger growing every day I don't feed.

As I was close to closing in on a deer I feel my pocket buzz. Scaring away the poor helpless doe.

Growling I yank out my phone and hold the phone to my ear.

"This better be good or I swear to all that is mighty I will kick whoever's ass this is," I spoke with anger.

I just heard a chuckle on the other side. "Nice threat. You going to kick me in the balls next?"

I groan and throw my head back. Of course, it's him. It couldn't be anybody else.

"My dear friend, it's been a while," I spoke while walking with a sway of my hips.

"I know...I don't have time to explain but it's time. I want to cash my favor in." He spoke and I froze. Dammit.

Sighing I roll my eyes. "Where am I headed?" I ask and walk back to my spot ready to track a deer when I see it. A Bear.

"Mystic Falls."

"Be there soon. Ttfn." I spoke with a bit of sarcasm before ending the call.

I turn to the bear and it growls causing me to smile.


Walking up to the house I made a mess of my once nice poxy dress.

Groaning I already tell what Alice is thinking. Right as I open the door she is coming down the stairs with a stern look on her face.

"You! You ruined a beautiful dress! Like that's vintage!!" She yelled and I groan before looking at her.

"Alice! It's fine. I can get another one. Now come help me pack."

This catching everyone's attention. Carlisle speaking up. "Where are you going?" My attention turning to him.

The man I call father. He has taken care of me since the first day of meeting me. I will be eternally grateful to him.

Alice froze and I see Edward read her mind. His eyes widen before looking at me. Me being able to look into Alice's mind I saw that she saw me and I looked dangerous.

"Your not leaving," Edward spoke with a frown. He brought Bella to him. My dear cousin was yet still human. A weak little human.

My eyes narrow on him and felt my lip curl up slightly. "You don't get a say in anything I do. You lost your privilege to do anything involving my life." I spoke angrily.

I felt Jasper calm me down and I sigh before looking to Carlisle. "A friend of mine called. He needs my help. So I'm going to be gone for a couple of weeks." I spoke and he frowned but nods.

"Alright, we will respect your-" He was cut off by Edward who looks pissed.

"Carlisle! She is still newly turned! We can't risk it!" He hissed and I felt my eyes snap to him and my body tense.

"If you want to see dangerous Edward, I could show you dangerous," I growled and I let my eyes snap to Bella who was looking at me with fear in her eyes.

Good. I love my cousin don't get me wrong but I was jealous.

Everyone was on alert at this point. Except for Rose who just laughs making me smirk. Everyone just looks at her.

"What?! She has a right to be angry. Her so-called blood singer chooses her cousin over her. Then he tries to control her when she is not even his!? I think it's hilarious that she wants a little revenge."

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