Chapter 19

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POV Bellatrix

I walked through the isles of the dress shop and looked at the beautiful dresses. I already had my heart set on one dress.

I was just waiting for Bekah to hurry the hell up.

Pulling out another dress I smiled and watch it fall beautifully against my skin.

My phone starts ringing and I look down to see the name of a man I haven't seen in a long time. "Well hello old man."

"Hello youngin." I heard his chuckle and I roll my eyes. "What can I help you with Rufus?" (Off Of Supernatural)

"I'm having a bit of a vampire situation. Woman named Katherine Pierce?" He spoke and I raise a brow.

"Oh god. Don't mind her, she's an ass. Put her on the phone." I spoke and I hear shuffling and a sigh.

"I swear Katerina I should put you on a chain leash to make sure you stay out of trouble." I spoke and she chuckles.

"You know me bug. Always causing trouble...say when I come back to town maybe we can go a few rounds?" She mumbled and I raise a brow at her reference.

"Yeah whatever you say. Don't hurt the ole man. He is a good friend of mine. He can hook you up with a few blood bags then you need to leave." I said as I saw Rebekah come out with a dress she finally liked.

I motion her to follow me to the counter before having her lay her dress on the counter.

I had my card to the lady, "You sure I can't kill this one. She is a real bitch." Rufus said causing me chuckle.

"I'm positive. Rufus just help her out and let her go." I spoke and I hear a sigh coming from his side. The lady hands me my card back before taking the dresses and leaving.

"Alright kid. I will text you when she leaves."

"Alrighty Rufus. Be safe old man. I will come see you soon. I promise."

"Sounds good kid. Goodbye." He hung up and I smile. That man was a big teddy bear.

"Who was that?" Bekah said and I look over at her and smile. "Old friend dealing with another old friend."

Opening the car I lay my dress and shoes down in the back before closing the door before getting into the drivers seat peeling out of the parking lot.

It didn't take me long to get to the house since I like going way past the speed limit. "You really need to start going the speed limit Bell." Bekah said to me and I roll my eyes.

"For what? I have better vision than most. So I can stop before they do." I shrug like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Yeah say that when you get hit in the future." She chuckles and I shake my head.

"Which won't but alright." I said before going inside with Bekah.

I stop behind her as I see the boys. They all look to me and smile. They get up but before they could Bekah stopped them.

"No! No one is aloud to touch this beauty till the dance so scram." She said before walking out of the room.

They all look defeated and I look to where Bekah disappeared to before vamping over and laying a gentle kiss on the threes heads.

They all look at me with giant smiles as I vamp out of the room and upstairs. Bekah smiles to me before offering me a glass of blood.

I nod to her before sitting down and allowing her to look at me with a smile before coming to my side.

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