[ Chapter 35 ]

Depuis le début

" There's that laugh " he gives me a peck on the tip of my nose.

" I don't laugh " I said.

We pull apart and walk down the hallway side by side. We were walking really close together. Until I feel his hand slowly intertwine with my hand, I look away with a smile and accept his offer.

Walking side by side we enter the hospital.

~ Time Skip ~

" What are the languages that you can speak? " He asked.

" Korean, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese, English is not included " I said.

" So you can understand Ash's and Natalie, those two can never stop fighting in their language " he said.

" Well, what about you?, Can you speak multiple languages? " I asked.

" No, I only learn martial arts and a few magic tricks I learned from Ash " he said.

" What magic tricks? " I asked as we stop in front of the supply room door.

" You see this? " He place his hand in the air empty handed, he close his hand and open them, when a coin appears and drops, he catches it before it hits the ground.

" That's too simple " I said.

" Maybe I'll show you more in the future, you don't know what these hands can do " he said, I hum in respond and he lean in again.

I lean in and we kiss again when the door opens and we both pull away while I take back my hand away from Ein's. I turn to the door to see Louise.

" Louise " I press my lips into a line.

" What are you doing? " He asked.

" We were just talking " Ein said.

" About? " Louise asked.

" How's Grace? " I asked.

" She survived and stabilize, she just lost a lot of blood " he said.

" Well that's good news " Ein said.

" I haven't gotten to the bad news yet " Louise said.

" What is it? " I asked.

" Her vocal cord is completely cut off so she won't be able to talk again, she only can communicate by writing down on a piece of paper " he said, I sigh and nodded.

" I'm going back to Meghan's " I said, Ein nods and follows.

" Nice save " he said, I shrug.

" I had to do what I had to do " I said and we turn a corner to the left.

" Why don't we hang out more sometimes? " He asked.

" Hang out where? " I asked.

" I don't know, you know how to use roller blades " he said, I raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

" Meet me here, tomorrow " takes out a pen and take my wrist.

He writes down something on the palm of my hand and when he was done I read on what he has written.

Sampson Park, 2 pm.

" That place is abandoned, what are we gonna do there? " I asked.

" You'll see when we meet there " he winks and enter Meghan's room.

" Us?, Alone?, As a date? " I asked.

" Yep " he said confidently.

" We've barely met " I said.

" I've known you for four months " he said, I look at him with a confused expression.

" You'll see " he tap my nose, I snicker and turn around.

I enter and see Dante standing by the window staring outside. His attention turned to us when I shut the door.

" You guys done? " He asked with a bitchy tone.

It was suspicious to me and I look down at Meghan.

" What did you do? " I asked.

" You are hard to fool " he said.

" Dante, what did you do? " Ein asked.

I rush to Meghan and my hands on her cheeks. She's fine but her face is pale.

" Figure it out yourself " he said.

I look down at Meghan's oxygen tube and it's cut off. I look up at Dante.

" We still have two minutes until she has a seizure and dies " he said.

" She's just a little girl! " I said when tears stream down my face.

" Don't put on that sad face, you know the medicine Louise gave isn't working anyways " he said.

" What the hell! " Ein pins him against the wall with his arm on Dante neck.

Meghan starts coughing, she opens her eyes and started crying.

" N/n " she whines a she holds her chest.

" You tell me who's next to die " Dante said.

" I don't know " I said.

" Wrong answer " he said and Meghan's eyes roll back as her body started limping.

" No!, No!, Louise! " I scream.

" Meghan " I cried out.

" Louise! " I scream.

Ein let's go of Dante and runs out the door.

" Meghan don't " I hold her cheeks.

" Louise! " I scream on top of my lungs until the door slams open along with other nurses.

I back up and run my hands through my hair. Ein enters and he hugs me, I cry to his torso.

" I'm sorry but you guys need to step out " the nurse said.

Ein and I walk out as Dante shut the door.

" What the hell is wrong with you? " Ein asked.

" Just say it was a life for a life, like Meghan for Nicole " he said.

I turn to him.

" You think I did that for nothing? " I asked.

" It's what it looks like to me " he said.

I clench my hands into a fist as I exhale.

" If Meghan dies- "

" And then you'll what? " He asked.

" Kill me?, Go ahead " he said.

" Just say you'll regret this for the rest of your life " I said.

" That's enough " Ein pulls me away by my arm.

I take a deep breath and turn away with my arms crossed.

" Get out of here, at least you left me a report for Landon " Ein said, I hear Dante scoff and walk away.

" Hey- "

" Just go, cancel the date, I won't be there until Meghan's stabilize " I said.

He was silent and I hear his footsteps fading. I turn and see his back, I palm my face and take deep breaths.

Ein's pov.

Before I turn a corner to the exit, I look back to see Y/n with her hand palm over her eyes and her taking deeps breaths. I sigh and turn around.

What was she gonna say when she said ' If Meghan dies'

I wonder what it is.



~ Mariko

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