Chapter Ninety-Eight

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Chapter Ninety-Eight

I didn't know what things Alec was speaking about but I was nervous as to where this conversation might be headed. What things were we going to talk about? I wasn't ready.

"Don't worry I'm not going to reveal another dark secret," he smiled softly noticing my worried expression.

"Okay," I nodded.

"When we were all young you know we were exceptionally close. Because of that, the likelihood of some of us developing relationships were high. Some with the same person as you know."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"We never intended to hurt any of you kids with the decisions we made. Perhaps you'll understand that a little sooner than the boys do but it remains the same. We made mistakes and it affected you three but we never meant for it to. I feel a little uncomfortable speaking on some of this but you three may or may not have been planned. Regardless you were all so very loved from the beginning. You need to know that and I hope you do.

Liam's dad, do you even remember his name?  Mark loved Liam as much as he could and tried to parent him as best he could. I don't approve of him leaving Kayin and Liam and I can never justify that. I just know he was a good guy and he tried. I don't think he ever hated Liam for that or Kaylin.

Kaylin has only ever wanted to raise Liam as best she could and have a good relationship with him. You know she never had it with her family and wanted it with him. She didn't want to hurt him and she wouldn't want him to think badly of her. You know why we did what we did with you? We never wanted to complicate your life and did what we did hoping it was what was best for you. I know Eric has done his best with Zayn. His career, his stint in rehab for alcohol abuse. That was all for Zayn. So don't ever think anything we did was to hurt any of you."

"I know it wasn't," I assured him meaning it.

" Your parents tried their best to raise you both but after Evelyn and Jace died Eric had to take on being a single father overnight. Then Kenneth's drinking got worse. They love you all and so do I. We've tried to give you three a better life than we had but it's harder than we thought. Though I'd have to say you're a lot better off than we were."

"I don't want to be a screw-up," I admitted.

"You aren't a screw-up and you never will be."

"Thank you."

I realized that he was right, in many ways they did do their best. I wasn't going to blame mom or Kaylin for this. If I'd learned one life lesson it was to never drink at a party because bad things happened. Although Liam being in my life was not and never would be a bad thing. I think we could all agree on that. Even Kenneth seemed ashamed of his actions and for once I think it was genuine.

I didn't know what this reveal would mean for the future of Liam and me. I just hoped somehow we could move past this and remain friends. That somehow we could get through this life-changing event together. We couldn't forever be controlled by the lives and mistakes of our parents. This was true of us, Zayn, all of my friends, even Miles. We couldn't use it as an excuse to be a horrible person.

"Your welcome. I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to Liam but you probably will. If he doesn't do it himself try to get him to talk to his mom. She's put herself through enough just being ashamed of what she did. She shouldn't blame herself forever and I think we both know she'd be heartbroken if Liam never forgave her. He will, I'm sure of it but we don't know that will be do we?" he smiled sadly.

"In the meantime don't be too hard on your parents either. With Kenneth, I realize that was a little more difficult request but at least about this. Back when we were still friends he talked a lot about his regrets. He did want to be there for Liam and help take care of him as his father but Kaylin never wanted that. Back then they were on slightly better terms but their friendships were strained after they conceived Liam. Obviously, it's nonexistent these days."

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