Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Dinner at Miles's house was wonderful. It had been just like old times. Almost like nothing had changed. Joyce's sweetness and affection for me seemed to have never changed and neither had our sons. James lucky wouldn't be home until work was over and by that point, I needed to be gone anyway. Hopefully, Kenneth or Mom wouldn't find out I'd left school once again.

I was well aware I needed to stop leaving school like this but thinking about Alec being Jane Doe was too much to comprehend right now. Having dinner with Miles and Joyce didn't make me feel much better either. When dinner finished I asked Miles to drop me off back at school just before it was due to end. Miles wasn't supposed to be on school grounds but he could at least take me there. Doing this would mean Liam and Maggie would have questions and I'd answer them.

Having Miles take me home might set Kenneth off and that wasn't something I wanted. Not after the day, I'd already had. I looked over at Miles as he focused on the room and with the rays of light shining on him, he looked even more handsome than normal. I didn't need to be thinking about this anymore. Miles seemed to notice me looking at him and turned.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.


"You seem to be thinking about something."

"I'm thinking about how your not supposed to be on school grounds and I'm making you go back."

"It's okay I don't mind doing anything for you." I cleared my throat.

"You should pull in the back of the school. I can walk from there."

"Why do you want to walk all that way? So your friends won't see you with me."

"I tell my friends everything mostly. I'm going to tell them about this. I know you don' t tell your friends everything. or your girlfriend. So I'm doing this for you."

"Thank you gem."

"I should be thanking you. Getting into trouble because of me. George wasn't worth it."

"No, but you are."

"You shouldn't have to protect me."

"I still think I did that today because I couldn't protect you from Kenneth. But I would. I'd protect you from anything. I always said I'd get you out of there when we graduated. That was always my goal." I felt emotion well from deep within. He had cared about me that much that he hoped to get me away from Kenneth. That was easier said then done but the thougth was beyond sweet.

"I'm going to get out one day you know. My mom and I will never have to worry about it again. We will be safe and we will be with people who truly love us. Until that time we have each other," I smiled.

"Your right you do but you know you already have people who care about you."

"Yeah, I do know that." We pulled into the parking lot and just as I'd asked he pulled around the back.

"Thank you, Ariel."

"For what? I should be thanking you for every single thing you did today."

"I'm thankful to you for not only giving me this great day and helping me realize how much I missed us having dinner with my mom. Also for having me pull around the back so I can avoid trouble with my friends and girlfriend."

I nodded, a smile crossing my lips. "Goodbye, Miles."

"Goodbye, Gem. I'll talk to you later." He returned my smile as I got out of his car.

He waited around a moment more as I walked around the building. Once I was out of his sight, I heard his car pulling away from the parking lot. I walked the rest of the way around the building and waited around Liam's car until it was time for school to end.

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