Chapter Eighty

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Chapter Eighty

"Ariel, what's wrong?"

I ignored his voice laced in concern as I stared down at the picture. He'd followed Maggie and Sunny to the mall. Why? How had he known they were there? I was so scared he'd go this far just to show that he had power? Or was it to make me scared of what he might do? Would he hurt them? I had to stop this whatever was going on. I broke my promise texting him immediately.

Ariel: What are you doing?

Jane Doe: Talking to me now aren't we?

Ariel: How did you know they were at the mall?

Jane Doe: I didn't. I simply saw that two lovely young ladies were enjoying their time at the mall and thought I'd take a picture to save for me to look at later.

Ariel: Stop this, whatever you're doing!

Jane Doe: I'm not doing anything.

Ariel: Leave them alone.

Jane Doe: Following them isn't exactly bothering them if they don't know I'm there is it?

Ariel: Stop following them.

Jane Doe: If I offered them a ride do you think they'd accept?

Ariel: Stop it!

"Ariel, what's wrong? Zayn asked taking my hand.

"He's following them."

"What? Who's following who?"

"Jane Doe, he's at the mall and he's following Maggie and Sunny."


Without saying a word I handed him the phone and his eyes briefly showed surprise then his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He seemed to still be trying to figure out how serious all of this was and what it meant. At this point, it didn't take much figuring on my part to figure out the danger.

"Zayn I'm sorry we have to go to the mall please?"

"Ariel, he has a picture but are you sure he's not just joking around and trying to get under your skin?"

"You were the one who said I should stop texting him."

"Yeah for reasons like this."

"Please I don't have a car, I'm afraid he's going to hurt them."

"There in public what's he going to do?"

"Zayn please I'm begging you."

"Okay, we'll go calm down."

As we reached the car I felt desperate tears entering my eyes. I didn't blame him for not jumping to conclusions or wanting to rush over without knowing anything. To him, it probably seemed like Jane Doe was just pushing my buttons or trying to get to do what we wanted. However, I wasn't going to take any chances. He'd threatened Miles the other night and following me was one thing but I did not want him following Sunny and Maggie. How had it got to this point?

What had I done to make this stranger behave this way? Why did he have this obsessive interest in me? Was he truly dangerous? How far was he willing to go to get what he wanted and what exactly did he want? Why had I allowed this to go on for so long? How irresponsible of me.

"Ariel," Zayn began in concern when he noticed I was beginning to cry.

"I know you think I'm crazy and it's probably nothing but he told me he stopped following me at one point or at least I asked him to. Now he's following my friends and threatening them. I know it seems like nothing but I don't know if this is a joke or not. I'm starting to get really scared of him and what he might do. I just don't know what to do I-

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