Chapter Seventy

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Chapter Seventy

With both Adam and Emma working at the bookstore, I thought things would be worse than they were but turns out, Adam really took the job seriously. Not like Emma, who just sat around and rolled her eyes every time someone came in. Not that I expected much different from her. How she'd gotten this job I'd never know. Maybe Pamela had lost her mind, or maybe Maggie and I were unreliable at the moment. Both were plausible options really.

"Look at all these nerds. It's disgusting." She grumbled.

Adam chuckled, wrapping his arm around her. "Come on, babe. It isn't that bad. Besides nothing wrong with nerds. They could save your life one day."

She looked up at him like he was crazy. "How do you figure that?" She asked sarcastically.

"Well, they read a lot. So they'll know how to survive during nuclear disasters." He shrugged.

We all kind of just looked at him weirdly. Nuclear disasters? What kind of stuff was he reading or better yet, watching?

She slapped her forehead, shaking her head as she did so. Then she looked up, meeting my eyes. "This is what I have to deal with. I swear he's like a child."

"Well, at least he's thinking ahead..." Maggie offered.

Her eyes cut over to her and she narrowed them at her. "Yeah? Well, you want him? I'm sure Lita would love to know I traded my boyfriend for yours." She smirked.

Adam's eyes filled with sadness for a brief moment before blinking it away as if it were never there. I frowned slightly. Her words had hurt him but it was clear he didn't want to show it.

Maggie crinkled her nose. Looking between them, she shook her head. "No offense, but Adam's not my type." She explained, giving Adam an apologetic smile.

He shrugged, "None taken. Though I'm not into redheads or brunettes, you're kinda easy on the eyes, Mags." He complimented with a wink.

I smiled just slightly. He'd called me "hot" but I also wasn't his type. It also seemed he'd stolen Zayn's nickname for her. It was probably best we didn't tell Liam about this comment. He already didn't like Miles or Zayn when they showed her attention. It was kind of cute to see him that way. Emma glowered at him but didn't seem offended as she just rolled her eyes again apparently used to his comments about other women. Maybe their relationship had its own issues.

"Thanks but are you sure you're not making a joke about my glasses?" she questioned.

"I didn't exactly call you four-eyes did I?"

"Clearly you were thinking it."

"At least I didn't say it."

"Right, that's an improvement."

"You guys just take things so personally," Emma rolled her eyes.

"What are we taking personally?" I asked.

"Oh you know I'm especially talking about you," she eyed me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned hoping to get an explanation from her clearly.

"You take everything personally and things are not as bad as you act like they are."

They weren't? I also wasn't aware I acted like they were. I'd always thought I'd handed it fairly well all things considered. It lit a fire of anger in me she'd say something like that though I attempted to hold it back. She did not know a thing about me except whatever lies and possibly occasional truth Melinda and Lita might have told her. It was clear who her friends were.

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