Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty

I was stunned and he was leaving. His back was to me and he was heading for the door. No, he couldn't do this. I couldn't be a secret or the other woman. Did teenagers even have those? I stepped forward grabbing his arm and he turned back to me wide-eyed. I'd asked Zayn not to go now would I ask Miles?

"What is it?" he questioned.

"What do you mean what is it?" I asked bitterly.

He frowned down at me. "Gem—"

"I know you're going to leave and maybe you should."

"You want me to leave?" his expression was hurt.

No. No, I don't.

"Are you going to tell her?" I demanded.


"Yes, are you going to tell her what happened between us?" I asked, letting his arm go and crossing my arms.

It seemed like a dumb question because why would he? The fact he jeopardized his relationship with her at all was foolish.

He studied me for a good minute before running his hand through his dark hair. "That's probably not—"

"You should. She should know." I cut him off.

"You really want me to tell her?"

"Yes, she deserves to know." I insisted.

He shook his head, looking away. "So she and the others can bully you more? No way."

"Do you even care?" I challenged.

"Of course I care. Why would you ask that?" He looked hurt at my question but I had to know. Even if I already knew deep down.

"I used to wonder if you cared about me and now I believe you do but I don't think you care about me right now. You just don't want to tell her for yourself." I accused.

"I don't want to hurt her."

I gave a half-laugh, "Like you didn't want to hurt me." I bit out.

"I still don't," he admitted. "Thats why I need to go."

"Fine," I accepted. "Go." I waved him away despite the growing pain in my chest.

"I'm sorry," he said and began putting distance between us.

"Make sure you say goodbye to mom and Kaylin before you leave. The others too." I didn't dare meet his eyes as I looked away at the floor.

"I will," he cast me a small glance.

I didn't move from the spot as though I were frozen there for several minutes. Miles passed me and didn't respond as he left. I felt betrayed but what else was new with him? I even felt betrayed for Lita though she didn't like me. I wondered how she'd feel if she knew? Would she stay with him?

Tears burned my eyes and I fought to keep them at bay. I couldn't cry over this as I returned to the living room. Everyone else was still in place but everyone was looking at me now. Like they expected something had happened and they'd be right. I wondered if it were Miles or possibly my expression that gave it away. Not saying anything I sat back down on the couch.

Maybe Zayn shouldn't be here any longer. Or maybe I was just angry at Miles right now and I couldn't take that out on him. I needed to say something before things got any more awkward.

"So what did you guys talk about?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Okay, that was awkward.

"Not much," Zayn replied.

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