Chapter Eighty-Seven

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Chapter Eighty-Seven

The air was thick with awkwardness as we all stood at the bottom of the stairs. No one moved, not even a muscle. I didn't know if it was from the lack of familiarity or the two people that were standing in the doorway. Zayn and Melinda were hand in hand.

For once she wasn't overconfident or arrogate as she usually was. This Melinda was one I hadn't seen since we were children. She seemed nervous and was clinging to Zayn's hand like he was her lifeline. She was probably his right now too.

I fought the urge to hold onto Miles as we walked down to meet them. Mom and Kaylin were standing near them and were already reaching out to hug Zayn. They didn't reach out to hug Melinda but looked like they both thought about it.

"Hello Melinda sweetie," mom greeted her sweetly.

"Hey Luci, Kaylin," she replied uncertainty.

"Hey honey," Kaylin replied.

"Ariel would you and Miles like to take them up to your room?"

Really Kaylin? Of course, I didn't. Why would she even think that?! To make matters worse, the way Zayn was gazing at Miles next to me, made me want to shrink back. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from declining her offer; instead, nodded my head sharply.

"Sure." I forced out and mom turned to me.

"Ariel." She spoke kindly but I knew the tone of her voice. She was warning me to play nice and the look on Kaylin's face told me she was thinking the same.

I sighed, "Come on." I waved, turning on my heels to go up the stairs. "Let's get this over will," I muttered under my breath.

They followed me into my room and I took it upon myself to sit at my desk, as far away from them as I could. They could sit on my bed or better yet on the floor. Better yet, Melinda sit on the floor and they sit on the bed.

Of course, I couldn't be so lucky as Zayn pulled Melinda to sit with him on my bed and of all things in his lap. He was really being a jerk now. The smirk was now on her face again as she looked around the room no doubt judging the appearance.

"This room hasn't changed a bit," she laughed lightly and for just a moment I imagined memories playing in her head from when we were friends.

"It's pathetic," she continued.

"Melinda," Miles said disapprovingly.

"What? It's the truth."

"The room's fine." Miles augured.

"Just because you're not dating Lita anymore doesn't mean you need to go back to kissing her ass." Melinda snapped at him.

"I'm not." He defended.

"Breaking up with her is a mistake, you know." She went on not even caring who's house she was currently in.

He eyed her with narrowed eyes, "Not now." He growled.

"It is."

"Babe, just drop it," Zayn said adjusting his arm around her waist.

At least he was sort of trying to reign her in. Not something he always did.

"Whatever, you'll see one day. Ariel doesn't want you Miles so you just need to get back with Lita. Someone who actually does want you. Besides Ariel has her eyes set on another guy now, George."

"I don't like him. We're just friends." I sighed.

"I'm not even sure you know how to be just friends with someone." She fires back.

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