Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

I was frozen as Alec approached us with confusion written on his face. My heart was still thumping, and I felt out of breath from what just happened. My emotions were running high both from Zayn's bipolar attitude to our kiss, to Jane Doe texting me in the woods, and me running away. Something was starting to get weirder and weirder about this mysterious person and now I wasn't so sure it was Zayn.

"Why aren't you two in class?" He questioned.

Oh, yeah . . . His class was the one we were missing. My mouth opened to form a response but then I shut it. I couldn't tell him why we weren't in class. I'd stolen Zayn's phone and forced him to follow me into the parking lot. Now Alec would think I was a thief and a psycho for doing that and the implications of us kissing in the woods together was too embarrassing.

Not that Zayn would tell him that. He'd probably just mention my part in the whole incident. Blame me for everything since he was so angry. I hadn't attempted to get him to kiss me and didn't expect this at all. I'd just wanted answers and to find out if he was Jane Doe. Everyone was right in that confronting him was a bad idea. Now he may have the evidence to finally get out of this project to me. I feared even hearing him say it.

"Don't stress it, Alec. We both were late and were just talking," Zayn replied.

Was he going to make excuses for me again? After what I'd done? I gazed at him but quickly moved to Alec, knowing I needed to play along if we even had a chance of escaping trouble. I didn't need that, and Zayn didn't need that. My hand shook from nervousness as he looked at us.

"Ariel, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just worried I'm late," I said, my voice a little too high as I willed myself to lower it and calm down.

He didn't look like he believed me, but he nodded.

"Alright, just come on and get to class. You've missed most of it."

"Okay, will do," I nodded.

"I don't know I was thinking about skipping the rest," Zayn replied.

"Believe it or not, you can learn a thing or two from my class, Zayn."

When he was gone, I quickly went to my locker and got my things. I wanted to question Zayn on why he did that, but I was also more than a little tired of his constant mood changes. He'd told me to forget what happened between us and I respected and accepted that. It was the right thing to do after all.

Besides, we weren't alone out there. Jane Doe, whoever he is, was out there as well and he had to of seen us. Unless he hadn't got there until after we'd kissed. I hoped that was the case, but something told me not to get my hopes up.

I slammed my locker door shut and balancing my books, I texted Jane Doe back.

Ariel: Were you in the woods with me?

Unknown: Yes, I was, and we weren't alone. A certain someone was with you, weren't they?

Ariel: Why were you there? You scared me.

Jane Doe: I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to. Just one question: Why did you run? That upsets me.

Ariel: I told you.

Jane Doe: Are you sure that's it? Or were you running because you did something naughty?

Ariel: How did you know I was there?

Jane Doe: Maybe I didn't.

Ariel: You said you saw me.

Jane Doe: Did you see me?

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