Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I was no stranger to the saying, "karma will come back to bite you in the ass", but I couldn't imagine I'd done anything bad enough to deserve this. I hadn't even been in school for a day and I was already wishing I was in a deep, dark hole, far away from here. It was bad enough Zayn had to sit with Liam and me in class; but during the entire period, I could feel his eyes on me. It was making me so uncomfortable that I fidgeted in my seat the whole time. Liam constantly gave me worried glances, as if to ask if I was okay, and I'd offer him a soft smile in reassurance.

It felt like I was about to pass out when Zayn opened his mouth to say something but was cut short as the bell rang, saving me from dying of asphyxiation. I quickly gathered my things before he could try to speak up again and left the room, leaving both Zayn and Liam sitting at the table, looking at me, dumbfounded.

I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going as I was trying to get as far away from Zayn as I possibly could when I bumped into someone rather hard. Not expecting the impact, I fell backward on my butt. I groaned softly from the impact and quickly scrambled to my feet. "I am so sorry! I was--" I began to apologize, dusting myself off.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" An annoyed voice snapped. My face paled and I met her dark angered eyes. Melinda. I use to be happy to be around her but now being near her only reminded me of all the pain she'd caused. It hadn't always been this way. When I'd first met her things had been so different.

"Hey, I'm Ariel," I introduced myself. The other little girl looked me up and down shyly before finally cracking a smile.

"Is that your name?"

"Yeah, it is. What's yours?"

"Melinda," she smiled.

"Do you want to play with me, Melinda?"


From that day forward we'd been best friends. Together nearly every day. It had taken Liam a bit to warm up to her but then he had. I had considered her family once. Being rich, she'd almost gotten the best gifts her mom helped her pick out. She hung out at my house and I hung out at hers. She knew my secret and comforted me as best she could every single time. Then it changed. Now, I had no reason to be kind to her as she wouldn't to me.

However, I couldn't bring myself to say anything to her. I just wasn't brave enough with everyone watching us. It seemed several people had stopped in the hallway after her deliberate outburst. She always used to tell me how much she wished she had more of a tan. I guess she got her wish. Her skin looked tan now compared to how tan it used to look. She was beautiful and my self-esteem took a major hit each time I was around her.

I turned nervously to look at the people crowded around, some already smirking at the show. Yes, it would be a show. The overreacting popular girl versus the freaky redhead outcast with daddy issues. Whether everyone knew it or not, this would be a show. Melinda would make sure of that. She could be the ultimate performer always demanding attention with her presence.

My palms became sweaty as I clenched them at my sides. "G--go away, Melinda. I don't have time for this," I stuttered.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You know, I get sick of your stupid little insults," she said, getting in my face.

She needed to back up and fast. I hated it when someone invaded my personal space. I increased my glare toward her as best I could. Nothing about what I said was intended or meant to insult her. How I wished I could say something to both, insult and hurt her so she'd never bother me again.

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