Chapter Nineteen

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Orion sat one of the chairs in the throne room. Prince Declan and his wife were due to arrive any moment now. He spent the whole morning helping his mother make cakes and sweets like they used too when he was a child. When the door finally open. he knew he arrived.

"Orion!" Declan ran over to his younger brother, pulling him into a tight hug "it's been so long"

"I've missed you" the younger Prince replied back "it's so good to have you back"

"I was going to surprise you the day before your big eighteenth, but dad wanted me home early" Declan chuckled

"And he booked the first flight back to here" Stella said, entering the room "couldn't even wait a day or two"

He laughed "sweetie, you've been married to me long enough to know, my dad gets quite scary when he doesn't get what he wants on time, I'm sure hope baby Orion isn't like that"

"I'm not a baby" Orion pouted

"To us you are" he teased "our baby has grown up so fast"

He rolled his eyes "Anyway should you two be talking to dad?"

"Stella and I thought it'll be fun to hang out with you for a bit" Declan confirmed "it's not all the time we get to hang out you know, I did truely miss you Orion"

"One day we'll have to take you with us, maybe even your special someone" Stella winked

"Oh god please don't bring that up" Orion groaned "everyone is hassling me about it already"

"Aw" her eyes lit up "it's a big step in your life, everyone is just excited to find out who this girl will be"

"I want to make sure she's the best person for you, ya know? Can we get any hints"


"I'm sure whoever it is she'll be perfect for him, you know the stories sweetie, you'll know who your soulmate is, that's how we knew" Stella cooled "being able to call you my husband Declan, it's like I'm finally married my Prince charming, even thought you are actually royalty"

"This is why I love you Stell" Declan leaned in and kissed Stella on the lips

Orion just took a deep breath in you'll know who your soulmate is. But will he? He watched his brother and sister in law and he could love, something he would love to finally share with someone.

But he's been banned from seeing the person he's currently interested in.

It's not like him and Troy would even end up together, it was just a though. He knew if he tried to fight his father and still continue to see him and the others, they'll get sent away. Orion thought about trying to visit in secret, but that's all he could think of. He sighed and glanced back up at his brother.

"Hey Declan?"

"Yea?" The older prince turned to face him "what's up?"

"Could I ask you a question?"

"Sure, anything"

Orion took a deep breath in "let's just say, you fell in love with someone, but you can't be together due to the fact the persons family having a bad relationship with the kingdom, what would you do?"

"Well" he thought "I'll still try to see them, but unfortunately without the kings blessing them and I wouldn't even be able to marry"

"What if you were banned from seeing them? What would you do?"

"That's tricky, maybe I'll go all Romeo and Juliet, without that death, it'll just have come up too how much I'm in love with them"

"What brings you to ask this question?" Stella wondered

"Oh, it's nothing" he insured

"You know if you ever want to talk to me about anything, you can Orion" Declan half smiled "I'm your older brother after all"

"I know..." he trailed, he knew wanted to speak to him about it, but even if he was his own brother, someone he's known his whole life, Orion didn't trust him not to tell dad on him, that's why he mostly talks to Melia in cases like this, which he doesn't even know if that's a option either.

One of the royal guards walked into the room "Prince Declan, Duchess Stella, the King has requested to talk to too in his office"

Declan exhaled "tell him we'll be there immediately"

"Will do"

He looks over to Orion "guess we'll hang out with you after"

"I'm looking forward to it" he smiled

"See you soon" Stella said her goodbyes as they both walked out of the room, leaving Orion by himself. He sat down on the ground, if he know his dad, they won't be back for a while.


Gia walked back into her dorm room, when she woke up Emma was gone, she did say she was going out with Noah to explore the town, but she chose to sleep in instead, if they are staying on the mainland for good they have all the time in the world too to explore the towns and cities. They were going to be staying here, right?

She liked it here, there was no fighting others for resources, no one trying to charge you more than what something is worth, and so far  no creepers trying to get with you since you're a pretty teenager who has a powerful family. It was just nice living a normal life, nothing she never dreamed of.

The only thing the same from the isle is that she shares a room with Emma, which isn't a down side, Emma has been her best friend since forever, it was nice to have a girl she could talk too, the boys are great but they don't know how a girl truly feels.

Her head turns too her dorm rooms door as it opens, Gia to see Emma had returned from her adventure, with a potted flower in hand.

"What is that?"

"It's a flower Gia,  Noah got for me when him, Troy and I went to the markets, you should have seen it, it was rows and rows of these little shops filled with stuff" she smiled

"We had that back home"

"They were not good ones, they were trying to sell over priced crap" she explained "these were real ones, proper ones"

"I mean anything is better than the isle" she added

"you have a point"

the two girls laughed. Gia watched her best friend place the flower on her nightstand "Hey, Emma?"


"Do you think they'll actually send us back?" She questioned "they won't If we follow the rules, right?"

Emma thought "Orion wouldn't send us back even if we did break a rule, thinking about it, Troy already broke two rules and we all are still here"

"That's also true, but you know how they are like, if Troy asked nice enough Orion will straight up give him the crown at this point" Gia chuckled

"Can I tell you something, you promise not to tell the boys right?" She questioned "I can trust you, right Gia?"

"Yea of course you can trust me, what's up?"

"I don't think I want to follow our parents order, I don't really want to take over the mainland" she sighed "I never did, I just played along to keep everyone happy. Honestly, I don't think anyone of us should be thinking that"

"Em" she cooled "I promise not to tell the boys, they are both too caught up in their plan anyway"

"You're right" she grinned "anyway, I'm going to shower"

"Okay, have fun"

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