Chapter Three

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Jake,Troy, Emma and Gia stood at the end of the deck, waiting for the boat to come to pick them up. The boat is the only means of transport between the isle and the mainland. It normally comes and drops off stuff the mainland doesn't want, like trash and furniture no one wants anymore. It's rare to see prisoners being dropped off now after an act was out in place.

Troy watched the boat slowly arrive at the docks, he could remind what his father told him as soon as he left their castle.

"You don't need to worry about the others, I want you to be the one that finally takes down the king" Drayce said, grabbing onto his son "don't forget to update me when you arrive at the mainland, we can work on a plan at night when everyone else is asleep"

He didn't like the idea of going behind his friends back and taking all the glory, Troy knew his dad could be selfish at times. He glanced at the others as they all made their way to the boat.

A middle aged man stood out of the boat to greet the four, he was dressed head to toe in navy blue

"Good morning kids, my name is Captain Caver and I'll be your captain today, I'll show you where you'll be sitting for the voyage" he moves his hand and a door opens "follow me" he brings them to a room lined with seats, it wasn't really fancy.

"So this is it?" Gia questioned, glancing around the room "for something from the mainland, I thought it'll be fancier"

"This area is where the prisoners would sit while they travel to the isle, since we don't really do that anymore, I hope to get it done up, see I want to get my son into the family business, say, he's your age, maybe you'll get along" he cheered "I'll suggest you guys get yourself seated, it'll be a while till we reach the mainland"

"We will" Emma nodded, when Captain Caver left the room, they door slapped shut making the others jump, a couple of minutes later the engine started and they were off.

"This is actually happening, we're leaving the island" Gia cooled "I didn't think we would ever leave"

"None of us did" Jake added "but remember, we're not there for fun and games, we're there to try to take over again, isn't that right Troy?"

"Yea, but-"

"Come on, we can spend our breaks planning a attack, it'll be fun" Jake grinned "we'll be able to make our parents proud"

"I guess" he sighed "it's not like we can actually live for ourselves"

The journey to the mainland was long and bumpy, there must have been a small storm going on as all of them could hear the waves crash against the boat. Troy was about to dose asleep till he felt the boat stop. He looked around to see the others slowly stand up.

"Are we here?" Emma wondered as the door opened

"Welcome to Harwood" the captain announced "watch out for the gap as you step out, your ride to where you will be staying is waiting for you"

They hopped off the boat to be met with a black van with tinted windows, there was two body guards and a man dressed in a royal army uniform.

"Follow me" the man in the uniform said "come on, hurry up"

All of then were taken in by the surroundings, they walked over to the black van and got buckled in.

"Where is he taking us" Jake asked

"You're going to your dorms, when you are living on the mainland you'll be expected to attend Harwood prep, your dorm rooms are located on campus too" the man said from the front of the van. "There is no getting out of attending the school, these kids parents are paying the top dollar to attend, be glad you're attending for free"

"Oh I think I know the school" Emma half smiled, she remembered reading some things about how it's one of the most pricy schools in the area, mostly since it's run by the royal family, everyone who is royal even goes to the school, including the prince himself.

"The headmistress will be showing you around the school" he said "but that'll be after you meet the Prince"

"We're meeting the Prince today?" Gia questioned

"Yes, so you better be on your best behaviour, one move and you'll be put on the next boat back" he snapped "we're nearly here"

Prince Orion watched as the car pulled up at the front of the high school, he was excited, he's heard so many stories about these children's parents, it was so exciting just to meet them in person.

"What do you they'll be like?" Melia wondered, pulling Orion closer to her

"I'm sure their fine"

"Your Highness, the four elite children are here"
Orion's eyes widen as they walked out one by one, Melia gripped onto him tighter. they are really here

"It's so good to meet you at last, my name is Orion" he greeted "and you are?"

"Well" Jake started "this is Emma, Gia, Troy, and I'm Jake"

"Oh, it's nice to meet you all" He smile

"It's nice to meet you too" Troy let out his hand to the Prince

"My apologise, I'm not allowed to to touch you, my parents rules" he apologised

"It's just a rule to keep you safe" Melia spat, looking at the elite children "isn't there suppose to be five of you?"

"Um" Troy replied

"I'm so sorry about her, she's protective of me" Orion said "and yea, I thought I requested all five of you"

"You must be talking about the ice wizards daughter, she left with him a while ago, they aren't in the same group as us anymore" Gia cleared up

"That makes sense" Orion's eyes glances over to Troy "you..."

"Let's not bring anything up now, why don't we our guest settle in to their new lives" Melia added "Mrs Hart is going to arrive soon"

"But I want to talk to them" he piped

"You're a free dude you know, don't let the the girlfriend tell you what you can and can't do" Jake commented

"She's not my girlfriend, just a close friend" he replied "Melia"

"I'm finally here" the schools headmistress Mrs Hart arrived "let's get to tour started, shall we?"

"I'll let you four go, I can't wait to talk to you again" Orion smiled "Goodbye!"

"Bye Orion!" Emma exclaimed as him and Melia left.

"I'll fill you all in about Everything while the tour is going on" Mrs Hart confirmed "I'll ask you all work this way please"

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