Chapter 24

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Jake waited for Troy to come back he's been out for a while now he thought. The sky has already went dark and still no sighs of the fire wizard in slight, maybe him and Orion are staying somewhere together for the night, or worst, they were caught and Troy's been held in prison. Jake paused for a second, he's thinking way to into this.

He read his dorm room's door open up, he sighed with Relief to see his friend return. Troy took off his jacket before sitting down on his own bed.

"So, how was it?"

"I guess it was good" Troy replied "we basically just talked and sat close to each other"

"Dam so you didn't get lucky?"

"Get your head out of the gutter Jake" he laughed "no, nothing happened, he held my hand but that's it.."

"Troy" Jake spoke "I think it's time for you to make the big move"

He froze, the big move? Does Jake mean finally asking Orion out "I don't even know if he likes guys, I've been wanting to ask, but that can be personal for some people, and I don't know how I'll feel being rejected"

"It'll be fine, trust me" Jake winked "anyway when's the next time you guys are going to be alone together?"

"Well, actually" he started "I asked Orion if we could hang out will all of us as a change, so he apparently knows somewhere we could all hang out and not get caught"

"Oh really? Why don't you ask him out then?" He questioned

"It's just-"

"Just?" Jake raised an eyebrow "Look Troy, I want to be honest with you, I know you like this guy, I don't even care about our plan anymore, date him cause you want to date him, not because you just want to get to the crown, and besides, you actually dating him for love will be easier cause you don't have to fake it, and trust me, i don't think you'll be able to fake a lot of things that goes on in a relationship, you now what I'm saying?"

"Like getting married, having children and stuff?"


"Ew no, even if I was in a one sided relationship with him, I won't consent anyway, I'll make up some crap, ya know, at least he can't get me pregnant anyway, we're both males"

"Are you sure about the last comment? We are magical beings-" Jake was cut off when Troy threw a pillow at him for the other side of the room "ow"

"Don't make me cringe like that" he groaned "this is also off topic"

"Okay you're right, just promise me you'll ask him when we go to what ever he has planned" he said throwing the pillow back at him "it'll be best to anyway, before his birthday"

"But what if he already has someone and he's secretly dating them?" He questioned "Jake"

"You're over thinking, have a shower, and sleep" he insured "we can figure it out if it does come to that"

"I guess you're right" Troy cooled, Jake seemed to be right about a lot of things at the moment, he might be the worst at love advice, but he's actually going well when it comes to this "I'm glad you're my beet friend"

"Any time bro" he winked


Orion stood around a tanks with Melia by his side. He was watching his mother, sort out boxes of family photos, starting from before he was even thought about. He watched the Queens eyes lit up when she saw a old photograph, she brought a image close to her from the boxes.

"This Image was taken at your father's eighteenth, when he revealed me" she gleamed showing Orion and Melia the image. It was a photo of her and the king, standing on the stair way about to walk down to the party, only minuets before, Prince Bryce at the time revealed Adele, a girl he met in his first year at Harwood Prep "after that day I knew my life would change forever, and it did, I was so young back then"

"Wow I can actually see a lot of the King in Orion" Melia pointed out "when he was younger of course"

"I do remember a lot of people comparing Declan when he was only a little one to his father" she said "both of them did, only thing I've seem to had given the boys is my blonde gene"

She laughed "I'm sure Orion would make a great King one day"

"And I'm sure you'll be a great Queen too Melia" Adele smiled.

Melia and Orion just glanced at each other, his mother is quite keen on the fact that next Friday Orion will reveal Melia to the world as his date. He knew there was talk around the school about it, but to his mother, the Queen, they were actually together, and was waiting till the day he admitted it to her.

They were close childhood friends, why does everyone want them to end up together?

Ever since Orion could remember, he had Melia by his side. Her parents were royal advisers from east Asia, who moved to Harwood Country for work, bringing a young Melia with them. They first met at a meeting, and it was friendship ever since, growing closer and closer with age.

He guessed why everyone wanted him to be with her, every time they were seen together he was happy, and she was too, he couldn't remember a time where he didn't have Melia by his side, and he doesn't want her to leave.

And not in a romantic way at all.

If only he could tell his mum the truth.

And who he actually wants to bring as his date.

The Queen picks up another image "oh, this was from my wedding day" she passes the image over to them. It was the picture of the wedding party, the former King and Queen standing beside Bryce, and Adele parents next to her. the flower girls sat on the carpet in front of them, smiling at the camera. Orion looks to to his father's side, right behind him, was a man, he guessed it was his father's best man, but, he's never seen him in his life, or couldn't just be a random if his father made him his best man at his wedding, a royal wedding for that matter.

"Hey Mum, who's that next to dad?" He pointed out on the photo

Her eyes widen, her face filled with horror, she snatched the photo from him "you don't need to know sweetie"

"But I want to know"

"Why don't you and Melia go see what Declan and Stella are doing" she hastily said


"Please, just go"

Orion could sense there was something wrong, he just nodded and left the room with Melia by his sided.

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