Chapter Two

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Unlike the mainland of Harwood, the Isle is different, very different. A lot of people dub it as the 'waste land'. Whatever the mainland doesn't want it goes to the isle. While Orion and the other people of Harwood lived in a privilege life, attending school like kids should have a right too, the right to feel safe, everything that the isle didn't. The island is basically run by four of the elite wizards who pop up around the island when they are needed then go back to their living quarter where they view everything. Everyone loved the elites. Everyone knew one day they'll be able to break out of the island and back into Harwood.

A boy sat on the beach, watching the waves crash into the sand. It still surprised him even with the force field covering the isle, waves and the weather can still make through. It's probably the only thing interesting about this place, he thought.

"Troy, you're still out here?"

He to tuned around to see a girl skipping towards him "why wouldn't I be out here"

"You walked out so suddenly from training, I got worried and went to find you" she cooled "Troy"

"What are we even training for anyway? We all know we are useless against the barrier or the mainland, you know what they did to our parents" he informed "I don't see the point of it"

"I don't either, but it's what our parents want" Emma sighed "it's starting to get cloudy, we need to return inside before it rains on us"

He gave her a smiled before getting up and leaving. They made their way to the main ballroom of the elite wizard living quarters, a large castle close to the edge of the isle. As they arrived there was another boy and girl, training their powers against each other.

"I don't think you can beat me that easily" the boy laughed as he lifted a couple of rocks up into the air

"Oh really? Then take this!" the girl slammed her hand into the ground, leaving the boy no time to react, vines started shooting out of the ground and starts to craw up the boys legs stopping him from moving.

"Let me go Gia!" He exclaimed "that's no fair, Mum!"

"It is fair" she smirked, releasing the vines around him "come on Jake, I won, you lost"

"I'm not going to admit that" he rolled his eyes

"Well done to Gia" A middle aged women congratulated from the corner of the room, everyone turned to her, she wore a black and purple long dress, which seemed to glow at the edges "I see your training has been paying off"

"Thank you Athena" she smiled "if I could beat you son I might be able to beat anyone now"

"Stop rubbing it in that I lost" Jake groaned

"You see my child" Athena told "you need to stop underestimating the person you are up against"


"Gia!" Emma rushed over to her, "you did super well!"

"Thanks Em, you did great yourself against Troy" she grinned "before he stormed off"

"I didn't storm off" Troy grunted "I just don't find this training useful, besides my powers could have hurt her, Fire and air are dangerous when mixed"

"You don't see the point of what Troy?"

Everyone in the room froze, a middle aged man dressed in red and black stood in the door way. He glared Troy right in the eyes, walking over to him.

"He's still a teen he doesn't know any better" Athena spoke up

"Let me talk to my son, in private"


"Troy, come with me" he held him by the shoulder before the two of them walked off


"Don't you dad me, how many times do I have to tell you, this training isn't for nothing, son this whole isle will be ruled by you one day, you and your friends are going to do what we failed to do, free us from this jail cell" he hissed "I want you to be the most powerful wizard out there, I want you to follow my footsteps, make yourself feared across the land"

"I don't even want to rule over this hell hole" Troy snapped

"You won't need too once we break free and take over the mainland again" Drayce smirked "I can already picture you on the throne, you have big things coming your way kiddo"

That's the one thing Troy hated about his dad, he's been pushing him since he was a child to train and make himself the strongest wizard. His dad has always been like that, tough to everyone, no wonder why the wizard with the ice magic and his daughter left a while ago. "I guess I should do some training by myself"

"That's the spirt Troy" he cheered bringing his son closer to him "I know you can avenge us, all of us"

He nodded before walking off towards his bedroom, Troy knew he should train like he told his dad he was going to do, but all he wanted was to lay down.


Troy wrapped his blankets over his, head, his bedroom door slammed open waking him and Jake up.

"What?" Jake yawned as she set up from his bed "it's too early for this"

"The girls are already awake, all four of you is needed in the main ballroom" Athena stated, rushing off herself, both boys looked at each other before getting out of but and walking over. As they arrived they saw Drayce, holding a letter with the other three wizards by his side. Emma and Gia were already there, still half asleep.

"I can't believe this, it has to be some sort of joke" Maria, Gia's mother and the witch of Nature shook her head "they wouldn't just let them go to the mainland without some sort of plan"

"What's going on?" Jake questioned, all the adults turned to them

"Well-" she started

"Let me explain" Drayce cut her off "it seems like you four have a fan, the Prince of the mainland, has requested you four to live and study on the mainland, if you agree the next drop off boat will pick you up and drop you off at the boarding docks"

"Why does the Prince want with us?" Emma questioned

"We don't know yet sweetie" Dario, Emma's dad and Wizard of Air replied "I just hope nothing bad-"

"You three wizards at not thinking about the big picture, the kids are going to the mainland, they can attack them from the inside and be able to free us from there, and if they befriend the Prince I'm sure he'll do whatever they say" Drayce grinned "all your training will actually be for something, I can see I now"

"I don't think the royals will let you close to the prince unless there is guards with him" Athena added "so you'll have to make him earn your trust another way"

"These kids are smart, I'm sure they'll figure it out" he winked, "so what do you say kids? Ready to go onto the mainland?"

"Hell yea we are" Jake piped "we won't let you down"

"The mainland won't know what hit them" Gia laughed "they won't know what hit them"

Troy and Emma stood in silent, they turn to face each other, they were thinking the same thing, they were actually going to step foot onto the mainland, the land they grew up with stories of hate. It was a happy day for them.

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