Chapter Fifteen

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The ballroom was filled with fairy nights hung from the ceiling, rows of tables with fine white and gold table cloth, Troy couldn't believe his eyes, it was the fanciest party he's ever seen. If only Jake, Emma and Gia were here, they'll love it here. It was beautiful, well everything was more beautiful than the isle. 

Everyone was cheering, loud music was blasting from the speakers all around them. Orion points to a round table in the corner of the room. The table was nicely set up and appears to be a couple of guards standing around it. It must be the table the royals would sit at during the party, which is understandable there would be guards around, you wouldn't want to wrong rule type of people near the royals, people like Troy.

He shook the thought out of his head, as Troy sat down next to Orion at the table he could feel  the guards stare at him, they knew who he was, and they didn't look friendly at all. Eliza noticed it too.
"It doesn't seem like anyone likes you" she joked

"Ha, yea" he side smiled, it was cause nobody did so far, maybe if he interacts with some other people he'll be friend someone, but that can be later, all he cares about is spending time with Orion "I thought you'll be with your father?"

"Yea" Melia glanced

"He's sits with our team at these events" Eliza could hear someone call her name "I'll be back" she got up from her seat, skipping over the person calling her. Melia looked over to Orion and Troy, she worries about the prince sometimes.

"There so many things I want to show you Troy" Orion informed "there's so many things you still have to try, once it dies down I'll show you around"

"What about the media Orion? Remember last year they got in and took image of us and it was circling around the country for a week" Melia added

"Oh, yea..." he trailed off, last year when Melia and Orion tried to escape the party, someone snapped the photo, everyone went wild, the Prince, sneaking off with a girl? That's a great headline to make rumours from. Orion spend so long trying to clear it up. But that wouldn't happen with Troy and him right?

"Just make sure no one else finds this out, you hanging with evil? we don't need any more rumours"

"Gez thanks" Troy holler his eyes "my friends and I are not evil, our parents are"

"Same thing"

He really wanted to tell her, but he didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone, especially Orion. So he just sat there keeping his thoughts to himself. He knew if Jake or Gia were here they'll be the first people to stand up for themselves. Unlike Emma and him, Jake and Gia normal use violence to make their point across, using their powers to their advantage.

Orion could sense the tension, he really thought Melia would try to get along with Troy. He looked over to the other male "Let's do something"

"Huh?" Troy replied "oh okay"

"I don't  think that's a good idea Orion" Melia pointed out

Orion just smirked, taking Troy by the hand as they both stood up. Melia watched the boys walk off and face palmed.

"What am I going to do with him?"

Orion and Troy cross the dance floor and to a clearing, there was a table filled with different types of sweets, the Prince grabbed a couple and gave them to Troy. He look at it confused. "What's this?" Troy holds up the pink powdery sweet.

"It's a marshmallow, it's soft and swishy and normally people add it to their hot chocolate" Orion explained holding a white marshmallow in his finger tips "try it"

"Oh okay" Troy placed the marshmallow in his month and chewed it, it was sweet and cloud like, kinder like the sweets the prince gifted them when they first arrived

"So how is it?"

"Nothing like I've had before" he gleamed
"There's so much more I want to show you, you name it and it's yours" Orion saids "you deserve the world"

"What about the others?" He asked "at the moment you've been just treating me to all these nice things, what about Jake, Gia and Emma?"

"Well, I'm sure I can come up with something that we all can to together" he suggested "but just for now, let's focus on us"

"Are you sure you're not hitting on me?" Troy raised an eyebrow "cause I-"

"No no no it's nothing like that" he chuckled "unless you think it is"

"Oh my Prince, you'll have to try harder to get to me" he winked before breaking in laugher,  Troy knew he shouldn't play hard to get, but it's fun. "Don't worry I'm only joking"

"Good" Orion grinned "let's have some fun"

Troy's eyes widen as he felt Orion drag into over to the main party area. It surprised him that everyone was so calm when it came to the young royal being right next to them, maybe no one noticed him over the music and lights. Orion grabbed Troy around the waist and brought him close to him.

"What's your plan?"

"I wanted to show you want it's actually like to be a teenage royal, you missed out on a lot of fun stuff I got to do" he informed

"Orion you can stop with the royal stuff, I'm not actually-"

"When I become King, your status will be known, we can do what my father never could do, unite the isle and the mainland, it'll be great" He piped

"This isn't the best place to be talking about this" Troy mumbled "it someone over hears us we could"

"You could what?"

They turned around to see Eliza, starring them down

"Oh hey, it was just"

"You were taking about that prison"

"Eliza it isn't what you think it is" Orion cleared up "we're just talking about, how we could help the isle, since coming from a poor background, he might know some things"

She laughed "theres a difference between poor and isle poor, what would Troy know about the isle? Anyway, Orion, I want to ask you something"

'Yea, anything?"

"Could it just be us two?" She bit her lip "I've been wanting to tell you for a while"  

"I need to look after Troy" he insured, as his eyes  trailed over to him.

Eliza took a deep breath in and exclaimed "Orion, I want to be your date for your birthday ball"

Everyone surrounding them turned to face her. Orion froze as he felt all eyes staring at him.

"Yo turn the music down the Prince just got asked out" one of the players from today's game shouted, the DJ nodded and quickly turned the music off. Orion just  looked around, it wasn't normal for everyone just to stop mid dance to focus on him and Eliza.

Melia ran over when she heard the news. She pushed people away so she could get to him till one point she could feel a random person hold onto her arm, making her unable to move, she could only see Orion, Troy and Eliza from the corner of her eyes. 

"Eliza" Orion muttered "I-I"

"I wanted to tell you this for a while now, I wanted this to me a moment just between us" she cooled "I love you Orion, and I've always had, you make my body fill with butterflies, I want to me yours, and you to be mine"

Troy just stood there, he looked up at the prince, he was uncomfortable, could he even help in anyway? He took a deep breath and grabbed onto Orion's hand, squeezing his hand tightly.

"So what do you say?" Eliza questioned "yes or no?"

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