Chapter Five

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Everyone stopped and stared as they walked into the cafeteria. Jake, Emma, Troy and Gia were used to getting looks when they were running around the isle, but this almost felt like they did something wrong. It felt like the whole room froze as soon as they stepped in.

In the corner of the room there was a table and chairs, far away from the other tables, they wanted to keep the others safe but this is crazy at this point.

"Why is our table so far away from the other students?" Emma wondered, she didn't like this, it felt like the school is treating them like they were the people who tried to take over all those years ago.

"Once we finish our lunch we can try to interact with the other students, it'll be alright, I'll try to use my charms to make everyone not fear us" jake winked

"You try that" Gia rolled her eyes, if Jake has a plan it normally ends badly.

"Isn't Orion suppose to be here too, maybe we can talk to him?" Emma suggested "the rules say we can't touch him, nothing about talking to him"

"I though him being a Prince he'll have this own little area away from the rest of the students?" Jake questioned

"Nope, the Royal Family makes all their kids attend this school, Orion's older brother attend here for high school, and they can't use their royal status to get out of stuff either" Gia informed

"How do you know that?"

"I read something about it, I'm guessing he's over at the tables over there, I'm just guessing since it has a lot more girls over there" she guessed

"Then I'll talk to him" Troy says, standing up from his seat

"I don't think it's a good idea" Emma exclaimed, but it was too late, Troy was already walking over to the prince.

Orion was pretty easy to spot, he was in the middle table filled with other students, he had Melia close to his side, she froze when he saw Troy walking towards them.


He glanced up see Troy, standing in front of him "oh hey Troy!  Are you settling in alright?"

"Do you want us to remove him for you?" one of the boys asked "he could hurt you-"

"No, please, let him be, is everything alright?"

"Well it's great! I just don't get why we get pushed to the side a lot, it doesn't make sense to me" Troy replied "I get we're magical beings-"

"Could we talk, one on one?" Orion wondered

"No!" Melia piped "I mean, Ri you don't know what he could do to you"

"I'm going to be fine, so, shall we?"

Troy nodded, the Prince stood up from his seat and made they made their way out of the cafeteria, into the school hallway.


"Troy" Orion paused "tell me everything"

"What would you like me to tell you?"

"Anything, how was life on the isle, how did you survive, was your dad nice to you? I only heard the bad things" he went on "how do you use your magic, how are you so"


"So, So!"

"Orion calm down" he cooled "we shouldn't be out here alone, I'm going to get into trouble if someone spots me sneaking off with royalty"

"You're going to be fine, say, why don't we find a day after school where we can talk, no one will be able to tell us off then" Orion replied

"What about Melia? she seems super protective of you"

"Don't worry about her, it'll be fine" he grinned "I just want to tell you something, before we go back in"

"What it is?"

"I don't think you guys are anything like your parents" he said as both of them re entered the room, Orion walked Troy back to the table where the other elite kids were before returning to his own table.

"Well, I'm back" Troy grinned as he sat back down, it took him a second to realise there was a fifth person with them. It was a boy wearing glasses and dressed nicely, he was sitting next to Emma "and you are?"

"Oh!" The boy smiled "I'm Noah, Mrs Hart told me all about you"

"Any chance you're the same student who she was going to ask to help us with?" Jake wondered

"Yep, that's me, it's good to meet you all" he turned around to face Troy "so I'm guessing you're the leader?"

"Um, kind of, my dad is the king of the isle, so I guess" he replied

"I didn't realise you were royalty, no wonder why Orion seemed interested in you"

"Why is Orion interested in Troy?" Emma raised an eyebrow "it's not a bad thing, right?"

"Who knows, I wouldn't worry that much" Noah shrugged his shoulders "I'll be in class with you next, I can also help with other class subjects back at your dorm, maybe you could also teach me about the isle"

Emma's face lit up "I'll love to teach you everything about the isle, it'll give us a chance to get to know each other a bit more"

"That'll be great"

"Is it a good idea to spill everything we know about the isle to a random kid?" Jake questioned

"Look, I know you might not trust me at the moment, but I know you will soon, can you trust me?"

"Welcome to the gang" Jake laughed

"We're letting Noah in just like that?" Gia crossed her arms

"Yea, he seems cool" he confirmed "next class is going to be lit"

"I can't wait to teach you all about the periodic table!" Noah cheered "and the basic of DNA"

"On second though, class is going to be a bore" Jake groaned "when will we be doing the fun stuff like PE and gym?"

"Hm" Noah thought "you'll have to ask Mrs Hart if you're enrolled in those classes, having magical powers might make you seem stronger than the other students in team based sports. At the moment I'm guessing you only have classroom based classes, and from what Emma told me before, you haven't been introduced to normal classes with students from here"

"No one wants us to be in their class" Troy sighed "did you see the way everyone stared at us when we entered?"

"You'll just have to show everyone that they shouldn't be afraid of you" he replied "as soon as you get into actual classes you should talk to the other people, it'll be fun"

"I sure hope so" Gia said

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