Chapter Ten

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As soon as Orion got home he rushed to his bedroom and fell straight onto his bed. Today was a mess, a big fat mess. How could he let his friends insult Troy like that? He was suppose to make sure he fit in not picked on. Orion knew his friends were like that sometimes, Lance and Evie are known for causing drama with other students they think they are better then, but to him and Melia they are sweet souls who generally want to be his friends, not just for the fact he's a Prince and next in line for the Harwood Country throne.

He wasn't even suppose to be next in line for the throne.

His older brother Declan is suppose to become king. Declan is the adventurer type, he would travel near and far and do all of the Royal duties that involved travelling to villages or to talk to other Royals. He was so keen to be king, talking about how much more he would be able to do as King.

Till he met her.

On one royal duty, he went to a village to talk to the Mayor, when they were talking, the Mayors daughter walked into the room. She had a rich skin tone and her natural hair was done up in a bun. Soon Declan saw her, he was in love. They met and he asked for her name, Stella, and they hit it off straight away.

She was like him, the adventurer type, she wanted to travel but couldn't since of her father's protective nature. Declan pleaded to the Mayor to let her come back with her. It took some time but he said yes. So Stella and Declan was off of their adventure.

Stella soon fell in love with the Prince, it wasn't too long till the word was out and the media was all over Declan and Stella. Being from a small village Stella wasn't used to all the people trying to talk to her or all the gossip about her. She was dating the next in line to the throne, why wouldn't people be trying to get to know her? After telling Declan about it, he thought about it. And decided to pass the throne down to Orion, who was around fourteen at the time. The King and Queen agreed and Declan was a free man.

Declan and Stella got married early the next year and have been travelling ever since, always stopping in for holidays and to say hello once and a while.

Orion understood why is brother didn't want to become King, he had to be more than love though, then again, what does he know about love?

He closed his eyes, there was a knock of his bedroom door, who could it even be? "Come in"

It was Melia, she stood at the door way before walking into his bedroom "hey, you seemed pretty off in class today, are you alright?"

"No, I feel like a failed" he sighed "I feel like the worst person ever"

"It has to do with Troy right?"

"Of course it does" Orion explained "I didn't stand up for him, I should have stood up for him but I couldn't"

"Orion it's okay, he's probably dealt with worst so this was nothing to him" she insured

"Even if he did go through worst things does he still deserve to be picked on? Do any of the Elite kids deserve that?" He exclaimed "Melia, how would you feel, if we were in their shoes, we are lucky to be royalty"

"Well I'm not technically royalty"

"Yea but you come to all the royal events with me, so that counts" he said

Melia just rolled her eyes "and everyone thinks I'm your secret girlfriend, why don't just tell your parents already? It's not a big deal"

He glanced up at her "oh no no no, that's just between you and me, they'll flip"

"I'm not going to be by your side forever, I'm fine filling in that role of your date to your party if you don't manage to find one before your birthday" she smiled "you're my best friend Orion, we've known each other since childhood, I want the best for you, you need to come out to them one day"

"You say you want the best for me but act salty when I try to hang out with other people"

"Orion don't even go there, how is coming out even compared to you hanging out with those wizard kids, I don't want you to be hurt, the more you hang out with Troy... I'm scared for you" she pleaded "I know what you're like Orion, I don't want you trusting the wrong people"

"He won't hurt me, none of them will" he cooled "Melia, you don't need to be so protective of me. I know what I'm doing"

"Please, be safe" She exhaled "I'll be there for you"

"Thank you Melia" Orion got up from his bed and walked to her pulling her into a hug "you know this is why I love you right?"

"Yea yea, I know" she laughed.


Orion looked around the schools dorm room, he was going to wait till tomorrow to apologise but felt it would be better if he did now. He searched around, what was Troy's dorm number again? He remembers him giving it to him when they were at the garden last night. He knew it was late and was certain someone would pick up on the Prince wondering the hallways. Orion finally got to a dorm, he took a deep breath in.

And for his luck, it was Troy's dorm

"Orion?" Troy said surprised "it's late, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologise, again, for today, I should have stood up for you when my friends were making fun of you, I still need to find a way to make it up to you" Orion apologised "I'll do anything"

"It's okay Orion, trust me" he cooled "say, did you want to watch a movie with us? Everyone is here"

"Oh, sure!" He grinned "I won't be interrupting, right?"

"No you're fine, come in, I'll get the others know you're here" Troy inviting him inside. Everyone was seated around the TV on the bench, apparently while he was gone Emma and Noah picked out the first movie while Jake and Gia agreed on the second movie.

"Hey guys, Orion's going to join us, if that's alright" He announced

"Cool!, fine yourself a seat dude" Jake winked, Orion sat down next to Troy, Noah set the movie up and click pay. soon everyone was focused on the movie.

As the movie played Troy wrapped one of the blankets around himself, he could slowly feel himself falling asleep, he really wanted to stay up and watch the movie, but soon he found himself fast asleep on Orion's shoulder. Orion side smile, he moved Troy's head on his chest other than his shoulder, he thought it'll be more comfortable for him.

Jake grinned, he didn't know if Troy did that of purpose, but if he keeps it up, he's going to have that prince falling in love with him in no time.

And the mainland will be theirs.

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