Chapter Twelve

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"Hey!" Orion greeted "you look amazing"

"Thank you" Troy grinned, he looked up and down the Prince "no crown?"

"It's at the booth we'll be in, I have to wear it during the interview but that's it" he confirmed "so shall we?"

"We may"

Orion and Troy walked over to the football field, everything must have been set up yesterday, Troy did remember people asking students to help out. the media was already getting setup, he didn't realise this game would be televised, what's the big deal anyway? it's just a bunch of men kicking a ball.

"Why is this such a big deal?" He questioned "I don't get it Orion"

"Nether do I, but you'll see" he replied,  Troy just nodded, he guessed the Prince was also forced into this, maybe it's a royal duty he has to attend before he's eighteen? "I'll take you to where we'll be staying, it's up there" Orion points to a building, over watching the field.

They walk up to the building, there waiting for them was Mrs Hart and another man. He was dressed in quite fancy in a suit, it has a logo on one of the pockets which Troy didn't really knew what for.

"Ah your highness" the man spoke "it's so good to see you again"

"It's good to see your again Mr Anderson" Orion greeted

"As usual I hope your schools side the best, but you know my school side will win, like always" the man chuckled "such a shame your father isn't here this year"

"It's a shame but he wants me to start doing royal engagements by myself since I'm getting of age" he informed "the King does give his wishes for this to be a good game"

"And who's this?" Mr Anderson gestures over to Troy, who was standing next to him "I haven't seen him before"

"This is Troy, he's new to the area, and a close friend of mine" he cooled

"It's very nice to meet you Sir" Troy said "I'm quite thankful for Orion for inviting me here today"

Mr Anderson looks him up and down, before speaking again "so no Melia this time? Such a shame, my girl Eliza was keen on talking her again, at least you and her can hang out-

"Oh she's here, but she's currently with her parents" he cut him off "Troy will keep me company anyway"

"I see" the man stared "I'll let you two get yourself settled in the viewing box, my daughter is already there"

"Thank you"

Mr Anderson glanced as Troy one last time, as he walked off with Orion, who is this boy and why is he only hearing about him now? Orion never mentioned him at all, or any friends from another apart of the country, how could the Prince be already so close too a new student?

Orion opens the door to the viewing box, the first thing that hit them was the cool air from the A/C which was on full blast. In the middle was two chairs, throne like and another spare chair directly beside it. On the spare chair on the left sat a girl. She had long brown hair and fair skin, she was in her phone, it looked like she was waiting for someone, she turned her head at the sound of the door opening, her eyes widen.

"Orion!" The girl got up from her seat and leaped into the Princes arms "it's so good to see my prince again"

"Hey Eliza" he cooled "long time no see"

"Long time no see? You didn't even bother to keep in contact with me, I thought we were suppose to be close" she pouted "and who's this anyway, no Melia this year?"

"Well this is-"

"Never mind who it is, that means we can sit together right?" Eliza gleamed


"Come on Orion" she pleaded "we never got to sit together, you were always with Melia"

"Troy is my guest, he's new to the area so I need to look after him" he replied. Eliza froze and  glanced over at Troy


"And Melia is also coming too, she's not here at the moment, but I'm sure we can sit together at the afterparty" he confirmed "I really hope you and Troy get along"

She rolled her eyes "so, Troy, where are you from anyway?"


"The country before ours, he's here for an exchange project with three other kids" Orion lied "I wanted to give four kids a chance a life they wouldn't have gotten in the area they were currently  at"

"Yea, we didn't have much going for us, but he managed" Troy replied continuing with the lie, thought that part was almost true "ever since we met Orion and I have gotten so close"

"And what does Melia think of your friend?" She raised an eyebrow


"Orion!" Mrs Hart cheered "it's almost time for your interview, follow me, your crown is there waiting for you"

"Coming" he sighed "I'll see you soon" he waved goodbye to Troy and Eliza


Eliza just stared at him "from another country huh?, guess Orion will be the people's King?"

"What do you mean?"

she mumbled "can you keep a secret?"

"I mean, sure whatever" Troy replied, what does she want to tell him, Troy just met and now she's dropping a secret on him?

"Well" she started "it's not really a secret but, can you try to act like we get along, if Orion sees that we are friends he might take interests in me. Like Melia I've know him since we were a children, our parents are best friends and, I've been crushing on him for a while now, but every time I try to do something he's always with Melia, or it's Melia this Melia that"

"So, you want my help, to get Orion to fall for you, and not Melia?" He questioned


"How do you know he even likes Melia?" Troy wondered that himself, looks like he wasn't the only person with an eye out for the Prince, well, he is the Prince after all. "He could also be into guys"

"Even if he was into guys, I'm sure his parents wouldn't allow it, he's the heir to the throne, so he'll basically be forced to have kids" she stated "but I'm cool with having kids straight after marriage, if you know, you help me get his focused off of her and onto me"

"Forcing him to be in love with you won't work" he paused "I can't help you sorry"

"But, hey look" Eliza points to the TV located on one of the wall's, a image of a stage located near the sports field. There stood Orion, with Melia by his side. Both of their hearts sank

Wasn't he suppose to be with him?

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