Chapter Seventeen

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"What was that?" Orion questioned, the flames were nearly put out instantly, but where could
this water have come from? There is no lakes near by them. he heard foot steps coming towards them.

"Orion, Troy!"


Noah rushed down to them "are you okay? I saw fire and-"

"That water, Noah are you?" Troy asked him, looking him up and down.

"I can explain"

"You saved us..." Orion cooled "Noah you're an Elite?"

"It's a long story, let's get both of you back to the dorms and I'll explain everything" he informed "it'll be easier to tell you once your dry and not in shock"


Jake, Gia and Emma all stood around Noah. Troy and Orion were on Troy's bed watching from there. Noah took a deep breath in.

"I know you guys might have some questions-"

"A lot" Gia stated "it's it true you're like us?"

"Well" he began "yes, my mum is the water elemental wizard, now this is just between us alright"

"Why didn't you tell us straight up Noah?" Jake questioned "we wouldn't have hurt you, you're one of us"

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of everyone else, if someone found out that I'm Elite too they'll go after my parents and send my mum to the isle, they won't even let her speak, they'll just label her for the dumb choice she made all those years ago" he exclaimed

"Noah" Emma cooled

"It was towards the end of the battle, my mother was near the beach, cause that's where her magic is strongest. As my dad tried to escape she made eye contact with him, and I guess it was love ever since" he told "my mother went into hiding, when it was announce all the other wizards were defeated and on their way to the isle, she watched from the TV, knowing she made the right choice, switching sides last minuet. Now she lives happily with my dad and me" 

"That's why you were so warm to us, you didn't see us the way other kids did" she said "you don't have to be afraid, we won't  tell anyone"

"Thanks Emma" Noah replied "I'm glad I got to finally tell you, you can thank Troy over there for managing to light apart of the forest up on fire, it was good to actually see my powers"

"You're welcome" Troy mumbled, wrapping a blanket tightly around himself.

"I should be thanking you" Orion side smiled, he stood up and walked over to him "you really saved us back there"

"Aw it was nothing, you promise to keep your mouth shut too"? He asked

"I promised" the Prince nodded "If you need me, I'll be looking after Troy, he still seems in shocked about what happened"

"Look, I know you care for him, but I think I'm able to look after him just fine" Jake crossed his arms "he's strong he'll be fine"

"It's just-"

"Orion" Emma spoke up "Jake has a point, maybe it's best for us to look after him, since it does involve his powers, you can spend all day tomorrow together if needed"

"But I"

"Orion" she stared at him "You can stay with him for a bit, you should be returning home soon, don't want to whole kingdom to freak"

He smiled and went back to Troy, he wrapped an arm around the other male. Troy seemed to be falling asleep, it was a big day for him anyway, he wouldn't blame him. He looked around to see the others who were still talking to Noah about his powers, which is still a shock to Orion.

Maybe since Noah came out with his secret, he could come out with his?

"You should sleep for a bit" Orion exhaled "you'll feel better"

"Can you join me?" Troy asked

Orion's cheeks grew red "sure for a little bit"  he made his way under the blankets and laid down next to him. Troy curled himself up before falling straight to sleep "sweet dreams"


He didn't want to leave, but he knew he had too. Orion woke up from his nap with Troy, who was still peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed. He glanced over to him, the Prince had to admit Troy was a graceful sleeper. He looked so peaceful and helpless. He knew he shouldn't be starring, but he couldn't help it. Something drew Troy to Orion, he didn't know what, but he could feel it.

Orion sighed removing the blankets from his body. It appears Jake must be hanging out with the others as he's no where to be seen in the dorm. He made sure Troy was tucked in before leaving the dorm and shutting the door. He took a deep breath in, walking out of the dorm building and on the road back to his own home back at the palace.

One thing he is going to miss when he turns eighteen was being able to walk home by himself without  being bombarded by media. He knew once his birthday passes all eyes will be on him, not having the freedom he used too have will get some time to get used too, but at least he'll have who ever he picks as his date by his side with him. If he even picks someone.

He pulled out his keys to open a secret door which led him into the main room of the palace. As he walked into the room he saw his dad, sitting on his throne with an un impressed expression on his face. Orion wondered what could be wrong, a bad trade deal with another royal family?

"Hi dad"

"Oh, Orion, just the person I've been wanting to speak with" the kings voice boomed around the empty room "how was the game?"

"It was nice, we actually won for once" he smiled

"And the after party?"

"That was great as well"

"Is that why you left early with that elite kid?" He raised his eyebrow

Orion froze "it wasn't what it looked like"

"Oh really?" King Bryce pulled out a couple of photographs, on each of them there was a photo of him and Troy, when they were together at the party, when he was showing him around. Till at last, the image of him and Troy escaping the party together, hand in hand. "I'm glad you and your little friend had a good time"


"Orion, I made a set of clear rules to follow when those four kids are staying here, and here is proof of you breaking the rules, with not just any elite kid, but that son of the man who could have slaughtered our family and taken the throne from us" he confronted "i swear to god if I hear about you sneaking with with these poor excuses of humans I'll send all of them back without a word from you, never to return to the mainland again, they deserve to rot away with their parents"

He had to take a step back "but"

"No buts mister, I've already called Declan up, he'll arrive tomorrow afternoon with Duchess Stella. I've told him to keep a good eye on you"

"Yes dad"

"Very well, you can proceed to go to your bedroom, and remember, slip up again and their gone"  the King replied sitting back in his  throne. Orion just nodded and made his way out of room and towards his own bedroom. He wouldn't want to mess up the chance of living a normal life for Emma, Gia Jake and Troy. One wrong move on his part could get them sent back with no warning.

And he'll never forgive himself.

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