Chapter Twenty

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The weekend felt like it went before it even came. Troy found himself waking back up at 7:00am in the morning, something he doesn't think he'll get used too, neither does he think Jake will. If they don't get out of bed now there would be a chance they could miss out on breakfast like they did already a couple of times a week. Luckily there would always been fresh fruit left over they could grab before going to class, with both of them didn't take for granted.

Jake picked up a green apple from the dish before waking to his classroom with Troy by his side, knowing the girls they'll probably already be there getting set up for today's classes.

"Fresh fruit  just being left out there? Where was that when we were on the isle?" Jake laughed, taking a bite of his apple.

"Have fun trying to find that in that dump" Troy smirked "or fight to the death for one"

"I did that already, easy win if you ask me" he replied "rock beats anyone"

"But can you beat fire  thought?" He teased

"Maybe, but Troy, we actually never faced off before, you refuse to fight any of us" he said, looking towards the other male

"I know, and it'll stay that way, we can't go through with the plan if we get kicked out of that mainland for fighting" Troy joked

"True True" he winked

They arrived at class to see Emma and Gia already set up for the day, as guessed. Mrs Hart was sitting at the teachers desk, she waited till Jake and Troy found their seats before standing up,

"Welcome class, I want to congrats you on you first week at Harwood Country Prep!" She greeted "it's so good to see you settling in to life here, and no far no slip ups"

"I guess" Troy mumbled to himself, he was still surprised no one noticed what happened last Friday, everyone was most likely still hyped about winning the football game.

"Which I should inform you, the Friday of next week, there won't be any school, if you'll be free to sleep in and enjoy the long weekend" she informed

"What's happening that day?" Gia asked

"Oh? Well it's Prince Orion's birthday, and I'm sure someone has mentioned to you that it's a big deal when a royal turns eighteen, normally the coming of age is really big for the oldest child as they are the heir to the throne, but since Prince Declan passed the crown down to Orion, both of them get the big ceremony"  Mrs Hart said

"Why wouldn't he not want to be king?" Jake wondered "the king of the mainland is such a big and powerful roll"

"I don't think it was publicly addressed, but Declan does have his reasons in passing the throne down to Orion" she smiled "anyway, we should start getting onto today's work"

Everyone nodded. Troy looked down at his textbook, so Orion wasn't suppose to become king huh? He thought. That makes two of them, sometimes he wonders what would life be if his dad wasn't evil, would he have ever gotten to meet his friends if that was the case? He thought about what the wizards would be like if they were good, he knew he couldn't be the only one, someone must be thinking the same thing.

Mrs Hart went on with her class, it got easier as time goes by as they learnt more and more. The Headmistress did avoid modern history, for reasons they knew too well. Troy guessed it was the best since he didn't want to hear a whole class how his dad manage to do what he did, and plus he knew all of it anyway, from the bad guys point of view.

Soon the bell rang and they all made their way out and to the cafeteria, they all gotten used to the routine by now, get their food and sit in the far tables away from the other kids. Noah was probably already waiting for them at said table, still the only person who offered to sit when them, even though the boy was elite himself.

"I wonder they'll have today" Gia questioned as they stepped in line "last night dinner was good"  lunch and dinner were mostly made up of the same thing, one main main male with a side of something, a bottle of drink of your choice, and a cake or something sweet.

"I didn't get to see the menu" Jake commented "I don't get why everyone complains about cafeteria food, it's good"

"You have a point" Emma agreed

"Once we get our lunch, I'm going to talk to Orion when he arrives" Troy joined the conversation "it was strange, after he left Friday I didn't hear a word from him, I was really expecting to be able to hang out with him on the weekend"

"And ditch us?" Jake raised an eyebrow "nah I'm kidding"

"Sure" he sighed, he did admit, he hasn't been hanging out with Jake that much outside of their dorm room and walking to class, but he seems to understand since it's apart of the plan. "It'll just be nice to talk to him, I did miss him a bit"

"Troy you didn't see him in two days" Gia groaned "what's up with you and that boy anyway?"


"Just keep it PG for now" she laughed


"There he is anyway" Emma smiled

Troy turned his head towards the cafeteria entrance, Orion walked in with Melia close to his side like normal, they both make their way down to their own table. Crap, Troy was hoping he would be about to catch the Prince before he went to to table and sit down with his asshole friends, but was still stuck in line to get lunch, and he knows Emma Wouk day get up with him if he Sydney eat.

"You'll be able to speak to him after we get our lunch" Gia insured "no biggie"

"you're right" he mumbled

They all got their food and made their own way to the lunch table. Noah was already waiting for them, quietly reading a book till they arrived, he looked up from his page and smiled. All of them were Thankful for Noah, it made lunch a bit better to see an outsider from the group to be waiting for them eagerly to join them.

"Hey guys!" He greeted "glad to that you've finally arrived"

"It's good to see you here bro" Jake smiled back as they all sat down.

"I'll let you guys eat first before bringing up any conversation" Noah insured

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