Chapter Eleven

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Troy found himself back in his own bed, he doesn't even remember moving himself, did someone else move him? He remembers falling asleep watching the movie, but never on this bed. He wrapped the blankets around him.

"Hey Troy, are you awake?" Jake asked, he turned to face Jake who was also still in bed "nice job last night"

"Last night? What happened?"

"You fell asleep on Orion's should and then he brought you into his arms, dude, that was amazing. This plan is going better than I hoped"

"Wait what?" He stared at him, he didn't mean to fall asleep on Orion, it just happened "Was he the one who also brought me to my bed?"

"Duh, like the prince he is" Jake laughed "I can almost see it, you and him side by side ruling, till one day you take his power and become king yourself, opening up the isle and re claiming this world, it's good to be bad sometimes"

"But I don't want to hurt Orion though" Troy stated "when the time comes, I can convince Orion to join our side"

"I'm not too sure your dad will be happy about that" he replied "knowing his ego, have you even talked to him about the plan yet?"


"Aw you have too, it's the best plan after all" he grinned

Troy rolled his eyes, he still hasn't had a chance to talk to his dad, he'll have to ask Noah to help him set up the laptop again so he can. He doesn't even know how Drayce would react to the plan. But if it all goes well, he's sure he'll be happy about it.


Orion walked up to the Elite kids and Noah's table, he has a grin across his face as he tapped Troy's shoulder

"Oh hey Orion-"

"I think I thought a way I can make it up too you" he smiled "alright hear me out"

"He's listening" Emma saids

"There's a school football game I have to attend for some reason. And I want you to come with me" he informed "like we'll have our own seats, Melia would be there too but I already had a talk to her"

"Football game?" He raised an eyebrow

"Yea, our school vs another private school. It'll happening this Friday afternoon, so I'll pick you up at your dorm at 1pm"

"Alright slow down, I'll love to go with you, but what about school? And the guards? And I'm pretty sure Melia still hates me" Troy spoke "I don't think the first thing abjure football, stuff like this wasn't really a thing on the isle"

"I'll tell you all about it, since it's a big game school is off for Friday, which is more exciting than the actual game itself, everyone attends, and I may have talked to Mrs Hart to have you all attend too, you'll have your own little area" Orion smirked "it'll be great to show you some mainland activities"

"Oh that football game" Noah glanced "if you guys are going I'll come with, I can explain what's going on for you"

"Sounds good my dude" Jake chuckled "no school and free entertainment? Sounds like a great day"

"I'm sure you guys will love it" Orion confirmed "by the way Troy, I'll drop off some clothes for you to wear for the game, since you'll be up with Melia and I, I want you to play the part"

"Oh alright"

"I'll leave you guys now, bye!" And with that, Orion was gone.

"Looks like Troy's got himself a date" Gia laughed "about time"

"I don't think it's a date Gia, just Orion being nice" Noah pointed out

"Dude he had Troy in his arms last night, and now he's asking him to sit with him in this probably fancy as area, it's a date" Jake added "my boy is going to get some"

"Jake" Emma glared at him "Noah could be right, just because you ship Troy and Orion doesn't mean every time Orion asks him out somewhere it's a date"

"Shipping? who taught her that?" Noah questioned

"Whatever Emma" he groaned "you'll have to tell us all about it Troy"

"I will" Troy insured "but if it's a royal thing he has to attend, I don't know the first thing about royalty or what to say and do

"I can help if needed" Noah piped "I can tell you the does and don'ts"

"Then it settled, Troy is finally getting prince classes" Emma nodded.


Troy looked himself in the mirror, it was finally Friday, end of the week and the day he attend this football event with Orion. He still doesn't know what football is or the rules. He remembers as a child, him and Jake would kick this ball around that was given to them by Athena. They never made a game out of it, it was just a fun thing they did on the beach for fun while the girls were doing their own things.

"Yo look who's fancy" Jake smirked as he sat on the edge of his bed

He smiled, Jake was right, the clothes Orion dropped off for him we're almost to fancy for him. He settled and made it a bit more casual looking switching the blazer jacket to a washed out red cardigan that he picked up when he got the rest of his cloths.

"I have to blend in I guess" he cooled "don't want people to think I'm more evil than I'm already am"

"High chance the guards were only briefed that we're here. They don't know our faces or names, so it'll be alright" Jake said "it'll be fun to see you on the big screen"

"Big screen?"

"Yea, this is a big deal apparently what Noah said, there's a big screen in the middle to see what's going on, when Orion does his speeches and if you're by his side you're gonna be shown. But that's okay I guess"

"No it isn't Jake"

"Oh yes it will be, and besides, you get to sit in air con while we all bake away" he laughed "Noah sad this will be a big game, hopefully someone will try to fight another on the field"

Troy rolled his eyes, there was a knock on the door, that must be Orion comic to pick him up.

"Go get him Troy" he chucked "go get him"

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