Chapter Twenty One

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Troy just waited, he knew if he he was to talk to Orion now Lance and Evie would try to start something again like last time, but he really did need to talk to him, would it be better to wait till next break? He was thinking as the bell for class went, but Troy guessed the Prince needed to be at his next class as soon as he could.

"Why don't you talk to him now?" Jake asked


"Just ask if you can speak to him one on one, there shouldn't be an issue with that" he replied

"I'll go now" Troy confirmed, standing up from his seat

"Wait" Emma interrupted "you haven't finished your lunch yet"

He looked down to the square of un touched chocolate cake "I'll eat it when I get back"

"Troy" she stared at him

"I won't be all break" he rolled his eyes, walking off towards Orion's table. He took a deep breath in as he finally reached it, Orion was busy talking to Melia. "Orion?"

Orion glanced up at him and froze "Troy, oh hey.."

"Could we speak, alone?" He wondered

"Sure" Orion nodded, getting us from his sit, before walking out of the cafeteria with the other male. "There's actually something, I need to tell you"

"There's something I need to tell you too" Troy gleamed "Orion I-"

"I don't think we should be hanging out anymore"

"What?" He asked "what do you mean by that"

"You know exactly what I mean Troy, I don't even want to be seen near you again, why don't you just go back to your own friend group instead of making your way into mine" he exclaimed

"But you invited me-"

"I tried to be nice but here we are, this is the last time I want you talk to me at all, or anyone that's even close too me" Orion snapped "I don't want to be seen around some dirty little isle kid"

"Orion" He choked "you don't really mean that, do you?"

"I do, now if you excuse me, I have need to my actual friends" the Prince said coldly, Troy watched him leave, before running off himself


Jake looked around the classroom, Troy was no where to be seen, his desk still empty. He didn't even return to their lunch table after he spoke to Orion, he saw the prince return but not this friend, did something happen.

"Has anyone seen Troy?" Mrs Hart commented "he seems to be late"

"He told me he wasn't feeling too well, maybe he ate something that didn't agree with him, but he did look ill" Jake lied

"Well, in that case if he does fill better by tonight, it'll be best to send him to the school nurse to get medications, those things are terrible" she cooled "I'll give you today's notes to go through with him, I do hope he feels better soon"

The real answer is, Jake didn't know where the heck he was, but at least Mrs Hart fell for that. h has some idea where he could be, but knowing Troy he wouldn't be too far.

He raised his hand "Am I able to quickly check on him? To see if he needs to go to the nurses office"

Mrs Hart thought about "I'm sure he'll be fine by himself for now, but I'll allow you to get out of class ten minuets early to be able to check on him them"

"Understandable" he nodded, that was worth a shot, he could feel the others look at him before turning back to their own pages, this is going to be a long class.

Soon as he was allowed to leave, Jake darted out of the classroom, nearly forgetting to take the notes with him. He knew the first place to check for Troy was their dorm room, he knew when Troy found himself helpless or stuck he would curled himself up somewhere and try to out out the world, which didn't last for long as normally someone would come for him and talk it out .

He arrived at their dorm and walked in, surprise Jake was right, he could see Troy with the blankets covering his whole body curled up on his bed. He walked closer to him and sat down on the bed neck to him.

"So what happened?"

Jake didn't get reply

"So what did he say?"

No reply

He took a deep breath in, Troy wasn't giving in, he wrapped an arm around him

"Hey Troy, you can speak to me"

Jake could feel him sit up, and soon Troy revealed his face from under the blankets.

"Orion told me he doesn't want to been seen anywhere with me ever again" Troy sighed "I really though him and I, could really be friends, or even more, ya know"

"Well it was the whole point of our plan to try to get the Prince to fall in love with you, well find another way don't worry" Jake insured

"I don't just mean for our plan Jake,  I really mean it, the way he treated me, it felt like, it actually wanted me" he chocked "but it's stupid"

"I think you are a bit caught up on this guy, say, why don't you let me talk to him?" He replied "I'll give him a good talking too"

"No it's fine, don't cause a scene" he said "it'll be fine"

"Knowing you it won't be fine" Jake chuckled "I'll get you something sweet to eat, you'll feel better after that"

He nodded "I'll attend last period with you guys, Mrs Hart is probably freaking that I ditched"

Nah I told her you were unwell" he winked "just say you drank some water and took some pills and you feel alright now"

"I will"

"It'll be alright" Jake cooled, it's not common for Troy to let his emotions over take him like that, especially when it comes to emotions surrounding people, he didn't realised how close he was getting to Orion.

And how this plan to take over is messing with his emotions.

Elite.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora