Chapter Four

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Mrs Hart shows then around the school. The school was about bigger than what Troy read, he remembers Emma telling him when they were younger it would be a dream of hers to attend a school like Harwood Prep. As the tour finally wrapped up they found themselves at the dorm rooms.

"And this is where you'll be staying, Emma and Gia will be in one dorm and Jake and Troy in the other"

"Just like back at home" Emma grinned "I'm so excited to start classes"

"That's good to hear, your school time table and a couple other things are located on your beds, classes start tomorrow at 9am" Mrs Hart informed "for our students safety, you'll be in your own classroom, and I'll be your teacher, enjoy your dorms"She gave them their dorm keys then walked away.

"So this is it" Jake smirked entering the dorm room "alright Troy, lets settle in"

"We'll meet you here later!" Emma informed as she and Emma entered their own dorms.

Troy had to admit, this dorms were nice. there was much more room here than the room Jake and him had back on the isle, and actual beds, not just mattresses on the ground. He like the fact they had their own bathroom instead of having to share with the girls too.

"What's this?" Jake questioned as he picked up a binder from his bed "Troy, I think these are the rules we need to follow"

"What rules?" He walked over to him, Jake opened up the binder

Elite Rule Book

We welcome you to the mainland, for the safety of our people, these are some rules you need to follow.

•You may only leave the school grounds with a trusted supervisor.

•You will have to attend class on time of face punishment.

•You at unable to your magic ANYWHERE on the mainland

•No contact between you or the Royal Family is allowed, including hand shakes

•No contact with the isle at all times

If you fail to follow any of these set rules you will be sent back to the isle on the next boat destined for the island

"Wait, why can we use our powers?" Jake spat "they have to be joking"

"It's probably for the safety of everyone" Troy rolled his eyes "hey, look" he points at a small golden box on their bed, Jake picked his up and opened it

"Are these, sweets?"

In the box was a bunched of wrapped sweets, a small letter and a charm. He picked up the small note and read it

I hope you feel at home in your dorms!, have this as my welcome gift to you - Orion

"Aw, it's a gift from Orion" he said "this Prince seems like the only person who actually trusts us"

"I'm sure he isn't just the only one Jake, lets go look around our room more" Troy smiled

"Yea, lets do that"


Mrs Hart stood at the front of the classroom. It was the first day of school for the Elite kids. Emma woke up early and snuck out of her dorm to wake Troy and Jake up, who were both fast asleep, she knew if she kept letting them sleep they would miss first class.

"Welcome to you first day of Harwood Prep, I'll sure you I'll go easy on your first day, to get you into the feeling of school" she smiled "any questions?"

Jake raises his hand.

"Yes Jake?"

"When is break?"

"Hmm good question, all classes and breaks are listed on your timetable, a bell will ring to let you know when break has started and finished, for break we have a special seating spot for you in the cafeteria, it'll give the other students time to get used to you around the school" she informed "now onto today's class"

"What would we be learning?" Emma asked

"I want to see what level you are up too, we understand that the isle doesn't have the best education system, so we made a simple work booklet to see what level you are at" She confirmed "I'll pass them out to you now" Mrs Hart gets around the classroom, handing the booklet out to everyone.

"You may start now"

Troy turned to the first page, it seems like this booklet covers a lot of simple maths and english. On the other pages it has some history and science. He picked up a pen and started. Gia was always better at maths out of the group, her mother was one of the only wizards that cared about education more than battle training and taking over the mainland. Jake, Emma and Troy seem to be better at the english questions than maths or science. History on the other hand.

Mrs Hart walked around the room go check on the process of the elite four, and that same thing came up "were you ever taught about history?"

"Other than the history of our parents, nope" Gia pointed out "maths was easy, english was alright but maths and science is sticky"

"It seems like those are the main things we should work on, I have a student who is top of the class when it comes to science, I'll ask if he could come in and help you"

"Do we really need science and history thought?" Jake questioned


"Even with history, we only get told one side of history, not both sides" Troy added "personally if I want to learn about history I want to learn from both sides"

"Alright, I think we got too deep into it, let's just start with basic english, alright?"

The class groaned.

"Alright take out the blank book in front of you-" as soon as she spoke the bell rang "break time already? I must have lost track of time, well, next class we'll start on english. Have a nice break!"

Everyone got out of their seats and walked out of the classroom, one class down, three to go...

Elite.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant