Chapter 25 (Incomplete)

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Orion couldn't sleep, he tried his best to but his mind was awake. It didn't help that he also had school the next day, he couldn't risk falling asleep in class. He laid on his bed, lit of all the times his mind could be lost in thought, it had to be 1:45pm at night.

He couldn't stop thinking about the man in the wedding photo, who was he, and why did his mother's face turn to fear when he asked? He wanted to know more, but knew he didn't want to force her to tell him if she is that uncomfortable with it. Maybe till he gets told, he could make up his own story.

He didn't think this man was a nobody, maybe a childhood friend who turned his back on his dad, maybe he did something to his mother, and that's why she was spooked. That's all he could come up with the information he had.

And he doubt no one else would no.

Thinking about that got him nowhere, so once again, he tried his best to fall sleep.


When Friday finally arrived, Orion found himself laying on Noah's dormroom floor with Troy by his side. After mentioning to Noah that he couldn't hang out with the elite kids, Noah offered for the Prince to use his dormroom as a safe place so if he does want to talk to them, he doesn't have any other room mates anyway.

And that's where they now. Orion enters first and Troy waits 10 minuets before entering himself. It's been working so far.

"So what even is the plan for tomorrow? Are you sure we won't get caught?" Troy questioned

"I'm sure, I'll have Melia go down with all of you first than Noah and I will come down, mostly since Melia can get into the area too" he explained

"Melia? But she hates me" he rolled his eyes "I think she hates all of us"

"I told her to behave, don't worry she agreed to do it too" he winked "by the way, do you have swimmers?"

"Swimmers? I don't think anyone of us know how to swim" Troy pointed out

"Just wear something you don't mind getting wet" he replied "and I'll teach you how to swim"


So, um.

Hey it's Orion here, it's been like a year ish since I updated this fic. Unfortunately I have stopped working on Elite cause of switching fandoms. Honestly I do not  remember how Elite was suppose to end, well, sort of. 

Basically Troy's and Orion's dads were friends then Troy's Dad went to the dark side and stuff and his crew got kicked out.  Troy and Orion found out as they read this book then basically confessed their love for each other.  Someone walked on them kissing and Troy was Locked up. 

Melia with the help of the other Elites Freed Troy and Orion revealed him to be his love interest at his party. 

Btw there was a second fic planned for this with my OC Morgen as like the "Uma" figure (if you know me from other platforms you may remember her). 

And that I'd basically it :3.


I just hope you guys enjoyed this fic just as much as I did writing it <3

-Orion Shinguji  

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