Chapter Nine

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He didn't fit it perfectly

Orion brought Troy over to his ground tabled, he could see their cold stares as he walked closer, the same cold stares that greeted him the first time he was there. Melia had a look of shock on her face as Troy sat down next to Orion.

"Why is he here?" Melia scoffed, did Orion even know what he was doing?

"Guys, you know Troy, I've talked about him before" the Prince cooled "well this is him"

"Hey" Troy greeted "it's nice to meet you"

The group when silent, a boy, with dark tanned skin and brown hair was the first to speak. "I'm Lance, it's nice to meet you too I guess"

Troy glanced over to the girl with the dyed blue hair, she was whispering to Melia about something, she looked up at him and froze. Troy sighed, he knew Orion's friends would act like this around him.

"So.." Orion started "Troy, how are you enjoying school so far?"

He grinned, he sees Orion is trying his best to help a conversation get started between them. "Um, it's fine so far"

"Nothing like the isle I'm guessing" Lance commented "I'm still surprised they let you over, out of all people"

"Cut it" Orion groaned "Troy and his friends are guests here, we should make them feel welcomed"

"I guess" Lance rolled his eyes

"But, the rules" Melia informed "you know, the rules about hanging out with-"

"Rules were meant to be broken M" the girl with the blue dyed hair cut Melia off "I'm Evie, my uncle actually got sent to the Isle"

"What did he do?" Troy questioned

"You wouldn't want to know" she laughed "having powers must come in handy, like fire, the things you could-"

"Yea and those same powers, could you know, burn this school to the ground!" Lance yelled "that isn't your plan right?"

"I'm not that stupid" Troy scoffed, do they all think he'll do something like that? "Even if I did there's a rule that forbids us for using out magic at all"

"So you're not going to smoke up and turn into a dragon at Orion's party? Oh wait, you guys ain't invited" he smirked "I'm sure you'll hear all about it, it's going to be the party of the year"

"I'm done here" Troy stood, Orion without thinking grabbed his wrist, not allowing Troy to leave

"Orion!" Melia gasped, he broke a rule, the Prince sighed and glanced over to Troy, who was visibly uncomfortable

"Let me walk you over to your friends"

Troy nodded, Orion let go of his wrist, leading Troy over to the table that the other elite kids and Noah were sitting at, he exhaled as he was dropped off, Orion side smiled

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to them about it" he insured

"No, it's alright Orion" he chuckled "guess I wasn't meant to fit in with the cool kids"

"I'll make it up to you, one day" he smirked "promised"

"I'm sure you will" Troy smiled "I'll let you go"

"See you too" Orion said his goodbyes, walking back towards his own friends group. As he turned around he saw all his friends, watching him.

"Didn't end well?" Emma asked

"It didn't even start well" he slumped back into his chair

"Don't take it to heart, Orion's friends are normally so up themselves, Lance and Evie mostly, like Melia, they also have ties with the royal family"

"Oh, so their those kids" Jake rolled his eyes "spoiled brats"


"There's a lot of gossip going around, stuff that people have been talking about for a while" Noah mentioned "basically, when Orion turns eighteen, he has to chose a date for his party, normally the date ends up being the love of your life, well that's what the fairytales say. Orion hasn't yet picked a date, so a lot of people are thinking it's Melia"

"Melia?" Gia scoffed "she straight up said she wasn't dating the guy"

"He's the only girl he's been seen with outside of school, all events he's at she is by his side" he pointed out "everyone has bets he'll reveal her at the party to be his girlfriend"

"Oh" Troy sighed, he knew it, if this is really true and Orion has a secret thing going on with Melia, it'll be impossible to try to make Orion fall in love with him, and even if he did, he's not even allowed to attend the party. "I wouldn't understand why they'll hide it if they were in love"

"One word. Media" Noah said "there is media outlets waiting for the day Orion, the youngest son of Queen Adele and King Bryce and heir to the Harwood throne, to announce that he is in a relationship with the girl of his dreams"

"He's either in a secret relationship with Melia, or he's into men" Jake budded in "I just don't see why he needs to hide the fact he's with this girl"

"That could also be the case too" he added "but it's most likely to keep the media off his and Melia's back"

"We won't know till the party, tell us all about it Noah" Emma cooled

"I don't plan on going, my dad was invited since he does the isle drop off and pick ups" he explained "those events aren't really my thing"

"Aw, guess we can all have our own little party then" Gia suggested "who needs a big fancy ballroom party when you have friends and snacks"

"I have a bunch of movies at home we can watch too" Noah cheered

"A movie?" Troy questioned "what's that?"

"Wait" Noah paused "you four have never seen a movie before?"


"That's it, tonight at Troy's and Jakes dorm, we're having a movie marathon, I'll bring all the movies over that I have in my dorm and we can chose some to watch"

"Shouldn't we also get some popcorn?" Gia wondered

"Yes! I'll go out and get some popcorn after class" He piped "this is going to be fun!"

"This is going to be so much fun, we get to do normal kid stuff" Emma grinned.

"Troy and I will get our dorm set up" Jake said "when class is down for the day of course"

"Yea" Troy grinned, he saw how happy the others were, he didn't need Orion's friends to fit in, the real friends he have is enough for him.

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