Chapter 23

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"It's from Orion"

Troy froze, why the hell would Orion send him a letter, after what happened yesterday he thought he would be the last person the price would ever want to speak too. He looked at the letter, he was confused.

"Why the heck does he want to give you a letter?" Jake questioned

"I thought the same thing" he replied "guess I'll go read it"

"I swear if he broke into our dorm, just to give you a letter that just about putting you and all of us down even more? I'm going to beat his ass" Jake hissed

"Calm down, I don't even know what it saids yet" Troy saids bringing the letter closer to himself

Dear Troy.

First, I want to apologise for my behaviour toward you on Monday, the truth is, it was a lie. I needed an excuse for you to stay away from me, and making you hate me seemed like the bet one at the time.

But it truely wasn't

The thing is, my father found out about us being together at the after party, and told me if I was ever caught with you again, you and your friends will be sent back to the isle. I didn't want you four to lose a chance of a life time because of me. That's why we must stay apart.

Or at least find a way to be together without my father or my brother finding out. A way we could be together, where no one can find us.

I understand if you don't aspect my apologise, I was cruel to you and didn't tell you the truth. If you would like to speak too me, meet me at the forest, the same place I see that real you for the first time, at 6:00pm tonight.


"What does it say?" Jake raised an eyebrow

"Orion wants to meet with me tonight at 6pm" he confirmed

"That's in like two hours time" he inform "are you going to see him?"

"I guess I will" He replied "I'll just skip dinner"

"I'll bring you something anyway" Jake winked "you have some time before you go to your Prince Charming anyway"

Troy rolled his eyes "I'm sure it's nothing anyway"

"it's not nothing Troy, I think he actually likes you, ya know?" He added "like, I don't forgive him for what he did to you yesterday but"

"You really want me to hook up with him"

"Basically, I have a bet" Jake smirked

"So this isn't just about the plan?" Troy wondered, that was the whole reason why he was trying to get the Prince to date him anyway, right?

"The plan mostly, and other stuff, now go and get ready, it'll give out plenty of time to think about what you want to talk to him about" he cooled.

Troy just smiled, after reading the letter he felt like a weight has lifted from his heart. Orion didn't hate him, sure he was kind of an ass for lying to him and completely putting him down like that, he wouldn't forgive him for that at least.


Orion waited patently in the forest, he looked at his watch, it was 5:55pm. Did Troy get lost trying to get to him? It wasn't dark at the moment so he could easily see his way around the forest, maybe he didn't plan on showing at all? Which is understandable after yesterday. He still has some time for him to arrive anyway,

And than he heard footsteps.

Orion swung his body towards the sound, his face lit to see Troy walking towards him, he actually came. Without even thinking he jogged over to the other male to greet him "Hello"

"Hey" Troy replied back

"I'm so glad you could make it, listen, about yesterday.." he mentioned

"Orion it's fine, I forgive you, you probably freaked out, and besides, I'm used to it, too well" he insured "just isle things"

"Troy, you wouldn't mind me asking this?" Orion asked "actually, I'll wait till we both sit down at get comfortable"

"Oh?" Troy wondered, he felt the Prince take him by the hand and slowly bring him to clear part of the forest, the same place he lit on fire last week. there was a blanket laid down on the grass with two lanterns.

"You should thank Gia for restoring this place, well I think it was Gia, I saw her walking out of the forest, like she was making sure no one saw her. When I went to check it out I saw this area, what once was blacken turned green again"

"Well that's Gia for you, her powers create life, her mother taught her well" Troy half smiled "and this set up, Orion you didn't need too"

"Aw, I'll do anything for you Troy, I already said you deserve the world" he said "I do really mean it" Orion kept Troy's hand gripped as both of them sat down.

Troy liked the feels of Orion's hand in his, it felt oddly romantic, was this how they treat friends on the mainland, are they really more than friends? Or getting there at least. "So what did you want to ask me before Orion?"

"I just wanted to ask you, I'm sorry if this is a personal question but" he exhaled "Troy?"


"Your father, did he abuse you at all? like verbally or physically?"

"What?" Troy said confusedly "no no, he didn't, sure he's strict on me but he has never raised a hand on me ever. He has raised his voice at me when I was a child and wasn't doing what I suppose to do"

"So, he is an alright person" Orion spoke "and other elite wizards?"

"Their alright too, they are some of the smartest people I know, I learnt so much things off them, say Orion? If we ever get a chance to visit the isle together, I'll introduce you to them" he smiled "I can show you around and-"

"My dad would never, if he hates the fact I'm hanging out with you, he'll kill me if I ever asked about going to the isle" he exclaimed "I want to learn new things, and I don't want to hide you"

"What about the others? Are you going to stop hanging out with them too?" Troy raised an eyebrow

"If I'm spotted with any of you, you'll be be sent back remember, it's easier to hide you, aka one person than four" Orion explained to him "there's no where I am able too have all of you- wait"

"Wait what?"

"Troy I have a plan" he grinned "theres actually a place we all can go and not get caught"

"And that is?"

"You'll see, this weekend, I'll show you" he confirmed "for now let's just enjoy our time together, just the two of us"

Troy chuckled and moved closer to the Prince, he rested himself beside him, he let Orion fill him in with his life. the more time Troy spent with him more time he doesn't want to leave his side. Something was growing between them.

And he had a feeling what it was

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