Chapter twenty two

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Jake managed to get Troy up and go to dinner, since Orion doesn't attend school dinners there
would be no stress in the running into each other. Jake main focus at the moment is to get his friend back on the right path, even if it means giving up that plan for a new one.

"Look who's finally up" Gia greeted as Troy sat down at their dinner table "are you alright?"

"Yea" he replied

"We got your food already, Mrs Hart gave us a note to show the workers at the cafeteria to let them know one of us were collecting two meals" Emma informed, passing the tray of food over to Troy "it's still warm"

"Thanks Emma" he smiled "I'm sorry I missed class today"

"You don't have to apologise, we sorted it out with the teacher" Jake said "you needed to rest anyway"

"Yes last time you let your emotions get the best if you, you set apart of the forest on fire" Gia laughed

"Not funny"

"It kinder is" she smirked "I'm just playing with you"

"Why don't we just let him eat, we can ask questions and annoy him later" Emma informed

"Yea alright" she replied back


"So what did you tell him?" Melia asked as she applied a thick green face mask to her cheek. When Orion got back from talking to Troy at first lunch, he was asking strange, almost not like himself, it wasn't normal for him to be so quiet and so, emotionless. "You were completely fine before you came back"

"I don't really want to speak about it" Orion said slamming his face into the pillows on his bed. Melia just turned to him, she was sitting cross legged next to him, something isn't right.

"Orion, tell me"

"Why would it bother you anyway? You hate the guy" he groaned

"Cause, I'm your best friend, and this involves you too, what did you actually say to him? It doesn't sound like you told him the truth about it"

Melia was right, he didn't tell Troy the truth, instead of telling him they couldn't be seen together cause his dad would send his friends and him back to the isle, he straight up ditched Troy and have him a reason for them to hate him.

"It's nothing really"

"Oh my god you lied to him"

"It wasn't that bad"

"Wasn't that bad?" Melia pipped "Jake looked like he was going to hurt you, I saw  the way he looked at you from across the room"

"Fine, I basically told Troy to get lost, that's it" Orion replied "shouldn't you be happy about that? you were never nice to him, not to mention any of them"

"Orion" she looked "That's something I want to talk to you about, it just doesn't seem like the best time at the moment"

"What do you mean Melia?"

"Orion, I love you, and I want the best for you, go apologise to Troy and tell him the truth"

"That's it? I thought it was going to be something big" he raised an eyebrow

"And this" she moved closer to him, scooped a bit of the face mask out of the container and rubbed it on his face "done"

"Wow" he laughed

"You needed it anyway" she laughed with him "anyway, off topic, what colour should I wear to your party?"

"Hmm" Orion thought about it "you look good in dark blue, haven't you picked an outfit yet?"

"I picked a style, but not a colour, my mum is going all out for it too, getting a hand made dress fit for the princess I am, as she tells me" she said "I don't know why thought, it isn't my birthday it's yours"

"Maybe cause you're my best friend and she wants you to look good beside me? or she knows we'll ditch everyone and do our own thing at the party" he continued

"Ha like at Declan's 18th? Remember that, we snuck out and no one could find us" she grinned

"Oh yea!" Orion chuckled "and they found us back in my room fast asleep"

"Man that was a crazy night, I wonder if yours will be the same" she wondered "Hey, Orion?"


"Who ever you do pick, do it out of love, not because you have to pick someone" she cooled "you don't have to bring me as a filler, I want you to bring someone you actually love"

"That might be hard, since, you know..." he trailed off

"Your parents will come around one day, I'm sure they'll love the person you bring as your date, no matter what"

"I hope you're right" he side smiled, "Melia, could you get me my pen and note book from my desk? I think I owe someone an apologise"

"Sure thing" she winked.


Once class was finished for the day, Troy and Jake walked back to their dorm. Mrs Hart was relieved to have seen Troy return to class after being 'sick' yesterday. She gave him a quick over view of everything before starting actual class. Once they got to their dorms, something was strange, the door was left unlocked.

"Did somebody break into our dorm?" Jake questioned, born of them entered the room. Nothing seemed to have been moved or taken from their room. They double check everything just in case, they couldn't have been that dumb and left their door unlocked like that, who knew if some kid would try to come in and steal their stuff.

"It doesn't look like anything was taken, maybe it was an overreaction?" Troy wondered, he glanced around the room one more time,

"What's that on your bed?" Jake pointed out, Troy looked at him confused, he doesn't remember leaving anything on his bed. He walks over to investigate.

"It's a letter"

"Well, open it" he suggested "let's fine out who the heck broke into our room"

Troy took a deep breath in and removed the wax seal from the envelope before pulling out the letter.

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