Chapter Eighteen

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Troy woke up and looked around how long was I asleep for? he looked over to the clock on the nightstand, 9:09am. His eyes widen, he was asleep for that long?! he glanced over to Jake who was still fast sleep in his bed, well it was a weekend, so they deserve a sleep in at least, which is a good thing for Troy as he gets first dibs on the shower.

When Troy got out of the shower, he was greeted with Emma and Noah who were already dressed and gleaming "oh, you guys are already up?"

"Morning sleepy head" Emma giggled "yea Noah and I are going exploring, we're currently trying to wake Jake up so he could join us" she continued to pull the covers off Jakes body

"Let me sleep" he yawned "can't a guy sleep in in peace?"

"No" she replied

"Oh well you'll just have to miss out on the fun" Noah confirmed "Troy, did you want to come with us?"

"Sure, let me get my shoes on and I'll meet you outside" he replied "is Gia coming with is too?"

"She's fast asleep too" Emma stated "which is a shame, I really wanted to experience the mainland with her, anyway, be ready in five minuets or we're leaving without you"

"Alright alright" he said, Emma and Noah waited outside for him to finish getting ready. when it was done he walked down and met with them again

"So where are we going?"

"Out" Noah smirked "Emma said you can't leave the school unless it's with someone not in your group, and I qualify for that, so I'm talking you two around town"

"I'm so excited, I always wanted to know what life is like in a normal town, nothing compared to the isle" she gleamed.

"What are the towns like on the isle" Noah questioned

"Nothing like the ones in the mainland" Troy commented, if you'll call the towns on the isle that.

The towns on the isle are made up of abandon buildings or  ones made by skilled prisoners. there's been a theory that the isle used to be a beautiful island people lived on, till the royals brought it to be a prison set to be the isle everyone is known today. There was two made towns, the main square and the seaside town. Troy and Emma mostly spend their time around the sea side, if was the only part of the isle they found truely beautiful.

Emma side smiled "I hope one day we'll see an actual beach filled with smiling children and people"

"I hope so to" he smiled back, the main beach at the isle was alright, but it brought the worst type of people towards it. when all four of them were together, they were all stalked by this one guy, who has his eyes out for two things, Emma and Gia, when Jake noticed him following him, he confronted him before trapping the guy in a pile of rocks. Luckily none of the elite kids were hurt. "Our private beach was nice thought"

"You guys had your own beach?" Noah wondered

"More like people were too afraid to get close too it, as it was right next to the castle were we all lived" Emma added "it was great, no one bothered us, right Troy?"

"Unless Jake and Gia pored sand all over us" Troy chuckled

"I'm guessing they are more out there, if you get what I'm saying" he said

"Totally" Emma nodded "their the type to attack first and ask questions later, but honestly, they are the sweetest people you'll never meet, it you are on their good side"

"They will kill for you" Troy laughed

"Personally I don't want you guys being sent back, so many ask them not to kill anyone?" Noah informed

"Don't worry they won't"

As they walked they stumbled upon a road fill with little market stores, all of the stalls had different things to sell, one had sweets, the other has homemade wooden goods. Emma's eyes widen opened, it was nothing like she's ever seen before. She felt like a child again when discovering the world outside of the isle again. She ran to a small shop, it was selling potted plants, in the corner of her eyes a hot pink daisy caught her eyes. It was potted in a blue painted pot, she walked over it, it was one of the prettiest things she's seen.

"So you like the daisies ay? They are normally quite popular this year round, the woman, who Emma guessed was the shop owner spoke "the pink ones are my fave, are you looking into purchasing one?"

"I don't have any money, so I'm just looking" she replied

"Oh, I'm sure once you get some it'll still be waiting for you" the lady smiled

"Actually, I'll like to buy the flowers for her" Noah insured as he walked up to her and the lady.

The lady looked at Noah and back at Emma "oh! I'll give you a deal, I'll let you have it for only $5.00"

Noah pulled out his wallet and handed her the money "here"

"And it's all yours, enjoy the rest of the day!" The Lady grinned, she took the daisy off the table and handed it to Emma, she glanced up at Noah and blushed

"I can't thank you enough Noah, this is amazing"

"Your face lit up when you saw the flower, I know you'll take special care of it" Noah confirmed "take it as a welcome gift"

"I don't know how I'll re pay you" she pleaded

"No you don't have to do that, it's fine" he smiled, they paused in silents, Troy tilted his head, walking over to them


They both turn to face him "oh, we should go back to looking around" Emma nodded

"Agreed" Noah agreed.

Troy just stared and then and took a deep breath in "alright, what's the next stall we should look at?"

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