Interview With A Fuckboy: A Series (Lade... I know it's Leighade, shut up)

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I: Welcome back to The Fuckboy Series, everyone! Today we have two members of Little Mix, Jeed "Thicc Crispy Cakes Supa Base" Three Wall and Lee "Like My Coffee With Two Sugars" Pincock

L: Hello

J: Areet wor kid?

I:... I-I'm sorry, what?

L: She just said hey

I: Uh...

J: Issa Geordie thing... sorryboutit, pet

I: Uh, anyway, I have a few questions here to ask you both

J: (nods) Whey aye then

I: The fans wanna know is Jerrie-?

L: No!

I: (pauses) O... kay? What about Les-?

J: Hell no, mate. Dis here me lass (winks in gay at Leigh)

I: So Leighade is real?

J: (rolls eyes in gay) Are yee daft or wha, yee doylem?

I: (looks at Leigh)

L: "Are you dumb, idiot?"

I: (tries not to cry like a bitch) N-Next question... when is LM6 coming?

J: Didn't yee ask Jesy tha same fing?

I: Well, yeah-

L: What did she say?

I: "Soon"

J: Then it's soon... (mumbles) doylem

I: She also said Jadesy happens... uh, intimately

J: (nods) Aye, mate

L: Every ship, but Jerrie and Lesy has happened... but we're consistent (smirks)

J: S'true... I luv shaggin' dis dead bonnie hinny

I: Um...?

L: (groans) She loves fucking me! God! (pauses and blushes) and she called me pretty

J: (kissy face)

I: Next question, for Jade... what do you say when you see an attractive person?

J: I say, "Ee, yee geet lush, hinny. Why divvent we go to me hyem and shag 'til we're pagg-ahd?" (licks fingers and smooths eyebrows then finger guns)

L: (gasps) You said that to Jesy and me back during X Factor!

J: Aye, den I ate yous like I was clammin'  (wiggles eyebrows in gay)

I: I... have zero fucking clue what you just said

L: Is that a Euphoria reference?

J: Rules rules!

I: Aaannyway... what's your favorite song from your latest album?

J: Wasabi... 'cause I wro'e it

L: I like them all...

I: Is it true you guys were drunk through most of the writing process?

J: (nods) Aye, lad

I: Back on the relationship statuses, is Alesy real? Ally Brooke and Jesy?

J: (laughs)

L: Fuckin' duh... you are pretty dumb

J: Propa daft, I tell yee

I: H-How am I dumb? (about to cry again)

L: Like Zain would say, (clears throat; country accent) "Errbody and they momma know that Alesy be fuckin' on da regular and Jesy stay callin' Ally 'Daddy'."

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