What if...

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Camren was a PR that denied each other, because they were never together but managed to make the fans believe they were real, and the never was?

-Camren was simply really close best friends that had gay moments

•What if the least talked about ship *ahem* Camally *ahem* was more real than Camren?

-The only reason we don't see them together a lot is so no one would question anything.

•What if L loved C, but C loved A. A loved N, but N loved D, and D loved L? BUT C only wanted a platonic friendship with benefits, A knows N likes D so she backs off and starts talking to C, not knowing L has feelings...

-I smell a complicated fanfic...might write it...(y'all want it?)

•What if Epic just made it seem like the girls hated C when she left to create a shift in the already fucked up fandom?

-I believe this 100%...I mean them Normila pics tho...

•Lastly, what if they're all sitting down somewhere, cracking jokes about the last few years while drinking (Dinah head ass getting milk) and decides to make one last album with all 5 members?

-I wish...I'd cry my gay eyes out

Your thoughts?

😂Funny Ass 5H And LM Shit😂Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum