Bitch Harmony

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Straight from my Notepad.


Wtf Dream 9/11/17 8:40am

(OK, don't really remember the beginning) The beginning was me watching Youtube and Ally was in an interview after coming out as gay and couldnt believe she came out. Then (idk where) but I went into somewhere(It was bright as hell like Walmart?) And went towards the back for work.

I hung up my hat and started talking to coworkers when I see two bitches (Mani and Lauren😔; current era) coming from a room with teasing expressions. I brushed it off until I hear whimpering. I go into the room and see a girl(Camila; BT fetus) curled into a corner. I tapped her and she jumped and I had to persuade her to get out.

She says she thought I was Dinah (who was my twin) and was gonna beat her up. I tell her imma beat Dinah's ass for beating her and helped her up. I looked back and saw Lauren and Normani sitting down looking at me like 'what bitch?'

I drive her home and found out she lives alone (remember fetus) and sleeps in her closet. She asks if I lay with her and I told her let's go out somewhere so she'd get her mind off of today. We go to this movie theater. And sit at the tables (tall) just to talk.

(Don't really remember what was said but I was on her right side) I do remember she said something and I said, "Not true. Do you really believe that?" She nod with the most serious look and said "Yes." I give her an equally serious face and said no, then she looks at me angrily and said


I remember I squinted my eyes at her and got up and walked to the other side of her and got close but before I could say anything she goes "Y'kno, you shouldn't stand too close to me, imma pervert."

I laughed it off until she stuffed her small hand in my pants, rubbing me over my boxers. I moaned and then I chuckled "Yeah? Well, so am I for that matter."

And I stuffed my hand in her pants and rubbed her through her underwear and she moaned loudly (she was wet asab💦😏) I continue then she breathe out an "OK, OK, you win. God," and I pulled my hand away.

She still had her hand in my pants, but wasn't rubbing me. She got down from her chair, hand still there then finally moved it, checking her phone. "Let's go get something from concession?"

I wrapped my arm around her (I was tall asf and she was her regular height) we made it to the stand and I saw a case full of sweet looking yo yos. Apparently, I was obsessed with them. We waited for awhile until someone came up. Dinah.

Camila didn't look scared, instead gave her $5 for some Skittles. Dgave her a fake smile and poured a bag full of Skittles in her hand. Camila was like, "No, I want them in its bag" Dinah being a cunt in this, put the little bit of Skittles in a baggie. Camila tried taking her money back but Dinah said stop and pushed her onto the floor.

I cursed her out a bit and helped Camila up. We start walking away, Camila was CRYING, like a damn infant. Suddenly, she turned around and screamed something at her that ticked Dinah off and she hopped the counter coming towards us. I run to her, pushing her back.

"Dinah, fucking stop!" I grabbed her by her shirt collar and dragged her (like a mother to a bad child's ear) to the stand. "Do your fucking job, Dinah, or your dumb ass would get fired!"

I let go of her and she started back working w an attitude. I shrugged her off and turned around, just to see Camila jump over the counter and ran toward Dinah. I start to jump too until she hid under a big fridge looking thing.

I laid flat on my stomach and looked under. "Get from under there! Bruh, y'all two plucking every nerve. Camila, c'mon!" That's all I remember.

(In between the earlier scenes, there was me jumping in the pool w a tux on. A part that came when we entered the theater, an old later was going in a dark room and an employee was like "Ms. Rose, bingo isn't until tomorrow night." And she says "I know, I'm just looking around") And that's pretty much it.

*I might've smoked weed the night before...yeah...

*Funniest thing of all of this was when I woke up, Reflection came on my speaker and I was like "Dafuq?" 😂😂😂

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