5H and LM Short Story: Jade's Krispy Cakes

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Jade: *stirring shit up in a cereal bowl*

Ally: *comes in the kitchen; confused* Uh, whatcha mixing?

Jade: *beams* 'm makin' me femis Krispy Cakes!

Ally: Huh...

Jade: Want a try?

Ally: *shrugs* Ok

Jade: *gives her a spoon*

Ally: *takes it and takes a bite of the concoction; chew very slowly*

Jade: You like it?

Ally: *grimaces a little then smiles; nods* Great

Jade: *squeals* Finally! Someone likes me Krispy Cakes! *grabs more spoons and runs out to where everyone was*

Ally: *spits it out in the sink and rinses her mouth out*

Leigh-Anne: *shakes head* Oh, hell no! I'm not eating that again!

Jade: *pouts* Why?

Perrie: Bubba, no offense... *in American accent* but that shit nasty

Jade: *looks down sadly*

Camila: *stands up* I'll try it

Jesy: Camila, no!

Jade: Shut uhp, Jesy! *gives her the bowl*

Normani: *nommy chomp*

Camila: *takes a bite and gags* Jesus-

Ally: *pops her head in* Yo?

Leigh-Anne: *confused* Am I missing something here?

Jade: Baby, you're always missing something

Camila: *swallows and shutters*

Perrie: She's gonna throw up

Jade: Shut uhp, Pez!

Perrie: Whey dontcha mek meh?

Normani: *chomp*

Jade: Perrie, I will frow you on the sun!

Perrie: Neh, you won't!

Jade: How much ya beet?

Perrie:... 20 biscuits

Normani: *chomp chomp* Are they always like this?

Jesy: *nods* Yeah, sadly 

Lauren: *sighs* Felt that... us with Dinah and that child *points to Camila who is thumb wrestling herself*

Dinah: *comes downstairs with headphones in* I see you windin' and grindin' up on that pole. I know you see me lookin' at you and you already know. I WANNA FUCK YOU! YOU ALREADY KNOW! I WANNA-

Normani: *yanks out her headphones* Shut up, bitch! *nommy nommy nom*

Dinah:... Rude

Jade: Dinah, want a try me Krispy Cakes?

Dinah: *looks in the bowl* Looks like dookie

Perrie: *snorts*

Jesy: *hits her* Stop

Perrie:*snickering* Poopey made... *snort* she made...

Jesy: Pez, don't

Perrie: *leans in; whispers* Poopy

Jesy: *sighs*

Dinah: I'm sorry, but that looks like what I dropped in the bathroom at 4am

Jade: *stale face* You be the nex I frow to da sun...

Dinah:... Huh?

Leigh-Anne: She threatened to throw you into the sun

Dinah: The fuck?

Camila: China, taste the damn shit

Jade: *looks at Camila*

Camila: I mean, the tastiest-

Jade: Nope, dun try ta butta meh oop

Camila:... Uh, I'm sorry, what you say?

Leigh-Anne: *sighs* Don't try to kiss her arse

Camila: *nods* Ohh...

Normani: *chomp chomp nom*

Dinah: A'ight, I'll try it *takes a scoop and eats it; stares at Jade for a long while*

Jade: Yeah?

Dinah: What... The fuck... Did I put... In my mouth?

Perrie: My dick in a minute

Dinah: *still looking at Jade* British Mila, shut up...

Perrie: If anything, she's American me

Camila: *shakes head* Nah, I like British Mila better

Normani: *nom*

Dinah: *slowly goes in the bathroom and spots it out in the toilet*

Jade: How come no one like me Krispy Cakes?!

Leigh-Anne: Because it tastes like poopy shit

Jade: *gasps dramatically* Yer slepin' in da hallway nanite or do you wanna room with Perrie?

Leigh-Anne: *Looks at Perrie nervously*

Perrie: *smirks* And I had Chipotle today

Lauren: Ooh, that's cold

Jesy: It's colder since Perrie has no sense of smell

Ally: Wait, huh?

Camila: I feel like we've been saying that a lot with them

Jade: 'speshally wif me

Dinah: *from the bathroom* Because that accent thicker than Walz's ass!

Jade: *flips her off*

Dinah: *shakes head; points to Leigh-Anne and Camila* You got them

Jade: *shrugs and flips hair*

Camila: *mumbles* Sit on my face

Jade: *eyes wide at her*

Jesy: Naughty girl!

Normani: *eating the Krispy Cake; nom nom* This shit kinda smack...

Jade: Thank you, Mani!

Lauren: *stank face*

Camila: *stank face*

Ally: *stank face*

Dinah: *come out; stank face*

Leigh-Anne: *stank face*

Jesy: *stank face*

Perrie: She's gonna throw up

Jade: *throws a shoe at her* SHUT UHP

*I dunno man... I just watched a video of everyone hating on the Krispy Cakes so I wrote this😂

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