Little Harmony Short Story: That Southern Shit (ft. Me... again... sorryboutit)

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Everyone is watching TV the millennial way: being on their phones. I, on the other hand, actually wanna watch something


Me: Hey, can somebody hand me the moken troll?

Everyone, but Normally: *looks at me weird*

Camila: A what?

Me: The moken troll *points at coffee table* righ' thea

Ally: She's saying the remote control

Me: Thank you, Lil Mama. Can wunna y'all hand it hea?

Jesy: *passes it to me*

Me: Thank ya *changes show*

Lauren: Zain, your accent hella thick today... like Camz's ass

Camila: I am getting thick, huh? *stands up and looks back at it*

Jade: *bites lip* Hell yea, you are

Camila: *finger guns*

Me: It's cuh my fam from Souf Cur-lina visitin' for the week.

Everyone: Ohhhh

Dinah: Makes sense on why you're talking like a drunk cowboy

Me: *glares* Shut cho ass up, fo' I give you a colla green and cornbread country ass whoopin'

Camila: Ooh! That's my song! *sings* Oh... luxury... chinny ching ching could buy anything. Drop that, oh

Me: Collard greens. Three degrees low make it hot for me

"Boffus": Drop that, oh!

Mani: *chomp nom* What you know 'bout Schoolboy Q, Mila?

Camila: *shrugs* I play GTAV with Zain all the time

Me: *nods* But 'm gettin' bored as a muthafucka. What y'all hottie thotties wan' do?

Perrie: Let's go out? Maybe just hang out on the patio or somefing?

Me: *shakes head* Oh, hell nah. Dem 'skeetas gone and ta' me up

Leigh: I'm sorry, them who?

Me: Maskeetas

Perrie: The huh?

Me: *sighs in distress* Moskeetas

Mani: "Mosquitoes"

LM: Ohhhhh

Me: I-an dat ha' to unda-stan

Jesy: Your accent is just as thick as Jade's

Jade: 'tisnt!

Jesy: See?

Jade: *crosses arms over her chest*

Me: Sweet pea, I think it's cute *smiles*

Jade: *blushes*

Camila: *mushes my face and pushes me away* Jeed's mine, Cowboy

Me: Ian no cowboy, dammit

Dinah: *mumbles* Sound like one

Me: *glares* Keep on, chile

Dinah: Bitch, everyone in here is older than you

Mani: It's a southern thing... everyone is "chile" regardless of age

Ally: Y'all oughta understand since we sound like old ladies the majority of the time

Me: But, in real life, I'm like 65 years old

Leigh: *nods* You do act older, but look about 14

Me: *shrugs* Like Mon-Bon said, issa southan thing

Perrie: Can we go outside or not?

Jade: Ooh, let's go onna wa'er park!

Jesy: *Scottish accent* I can get jiggy with that

Leigh: Same

Mani: I'm down

Camila: Yeah, it'll be clutch... Dinah, Lauren, Zain, Ally, are you coming, too?

Me: Yuh

Laurinah: Yep. Uh-huh

Ally: No, I'm fine. I'm just gonna stay here

Me:... on secon thought, Imma stay

Camila and Jade: *glares at me*

Me: Mila, make up yo' mind, ya want me or Jeed?

Camila: I don't want... I got you and Jeed... Ally, too, but you don't have her

Me: *raises eyebrow* What if I want Ally?

Camila: *death gay glare*

Me: *gulps* I done fucked up, huh

Jesy: *puts hand on my shoulder* I'm gonna pray for you, mate

Dinah: Start sayin' your Hail Mary's now, dawg

*I pulled this right out my pussy... not een my ass...

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