"No need to thank me. But I have one question: Why are you all here? Because I ran away from home back then because I'm quirkless and I didn't want to disappoint my mother anymore."

"Oh! We're all quirkless here - except for Luke. But he had a 'villains-Quirk' according to his mother.", said the boy and Izuku had to concentrate with every fiber of his being to not grin broadly.

He just hit the Jackpot!

"What Quirk is it exactly?"

"My Quirk enables me to control a person for a week after kissing them.", explained Luke who had been the one who had made space from him to sit with the group.

Izuku's eyes grew round and he once again had to pull himself together although it was so that he did not pull out a pen and a notebook instantly and interrogate the older teen for more information.

"That's pretty powerful. You could use it as a police officer to go to undercover missions or to make criminally confess.", concluded the one-eyed and threw the shepherd of the group off his trails.


He nodded excitedly.

"You could do so much with it, it's dumb that you were cast out.",
the green orbs glowed with the shine of the bonfire,
"How would you feel of achieving something with your Quirk? To work for a bigger goal? To save people?"

Everyone around to fire became skittish and skeptical and adopted a tense posture but Surveye did not let himself be deterred and made an excessive movement that exposed his weapons and costume for the blink of an eye.

"I have been searching the whole week for such a nice group like yours! I'd like to help you. You deserve the help! Just like you deserve acceptance and friendship."

"Who are you?!", growled Luke without paying a single thought to the exited speech. He had seen the knives, the swords, brasses, and the barbs at his boots - this boy in front of them was way more dangerous than he looked like.

"My name is Izuku Chisome, but I am also known by the names Izuku Midoriya, Zuko Midori and Zuko Idori."

Everyone became quiet. Multiple names always meant that at least one of these identities was trouble.

"Who else are you?"

The silence was crushing and hung over the previously happy bonfire like a stone of overwhelming weight that was seconds away from dropping down onto them.

Izuku closed his eye, the other one stayed open and stared ahead lifelessly and suddenly reminded every child of a new symbol of horror.

"I am Surveye.
And I am searching for people who were abandoned by society and heroes although they never deserved it. I am searching for people like you because I strive to make a change."

He reached his hand out to Luke with a pleading look. 
But the older simply examined the other boy with a frown.

Surveye, herokiller, broker, monster, Stains son and student - quirkless, yet still dangerous.

Hesitantly he opened his mouth.
"And what… do you want from us?"

The greenette lowered his hand with an annoyed expression on his face. It looked like he did want to keep his cards close to his chest.

"I want that you to move into my house. I bought a house a while ago and set it up so that I could use it as quarters when more people joined my father's ideals. 
I want to train you.
I'd teach you how to fight so that you can survive in a world of Quirks. 
And I want to make some of you my doppelgangers."

Beautifully Broken - Open End (English) [Villain!Deku]Where stories live. Discover now