Chapter 74

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Lauren's POV:

it's the second week of the tour, and i am loving it, it's strange because when people think about staying on a small bus with 7 other people and having to live off of it for months at a time it'll be horrible and the worst experience of their life but honestly it's not, yes we are constantly on top of eachother but when we do need our own space we just hide away in our own bunks and everyone else knows not to bother us, i love living on a bus with these guys, i could honestly do it all year round, but then i think after a year i wouldn't want to see any of them for 6 months, i'd want to spend time with my family and just stay away from them for awhile so that's probably not the best idea i have ever had.

i walked out of the dressing room with a huge smile on my face after having a conversation with my younger sister, i miss my family like crazy, but i also love my job, so i cherish every moment i get to be with and speak to my family, i walked to the back of the stage freezing in place as i turned the corner, my eyes pinned on the two figures standing before me.

"Hey Lauren have you got.." Normani trailed off beside me as her eyes followed where mine were trained and saw what i did.

Camila pulled her mouth away from Austin's lips as she heard Normani's voice and turned to face me, her face revealing shock as she saw me standing in front of her.

"Lauren i" Camila started but i shook my head and backtracked away from her spinning on my heel and making a run for it, feeling the hot tears spill from my eyes and down my cheeks.

i feel like my chest is closing in on me, i can't breath, i burst through the back door to the arena and heard all the fans screaming, i looked up at them and stood there starring as they quietened down and realized that something was wrong, i bolted out of sight and made it onto the bus, i can't be here, i don't want to be here, why would she do this? with him? i thought she loved me? how could she do this to me? my heart, it hurts so much, i can't breath, i feel like i am dying, why does this hurt so much? oh my god someone help me please, make it stop, take this pain away please, please, i dropped to my knees in the bus, hot tears flowing down my face and onto the rug beneath me, i bent over placing my head on the carpet as the sobs wracked through my body, i curled my fingers around the rug squeezing it tightly trying to control my breathing.

"please please please please" i couldn't stop saying it, the word just continued to leave my mouth, it hurts so much, someone please take this pain away please.

i felt a pair of arms wrap around my body and pull me into their own.

"it hurts so much Mani" i whispered gripping onto her clothes as i broke even more, feeling like i had been shredded into pieces.

"i know baby, i know" Normani rocked me in her arms and ran her fingers through my hair trying to sooth me, but it wouldn't work, it wasn't helping, it hurts too much.

I heard the bus door open, and I felt her presence before I heard her voice.

"Lauren" she whispered kneeling down beside me, her hand reaching out to rest on my arm.

I flinched back from her touch and moved closer into Normani's arms, I lifted my gaze to meet hers and saw how heartbroken she looked, but she wasn't feeling even half the equivalent of what I felt right now.

"guys come on we have our meet and greet and rehearsal" Dinah said walking onto the bus and taking in everything before her. 

"what's happened?" Dinah asked worry heard in her voice. 

"ask Camila" i muttered standing up from Normani's arms trying to pick myself back up from the knock i just had. 

"i'm asking you" Dinah said holding me by my upper arms. 

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