Chapter 9

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Just For StayHarmonized4 cause her comments are cute :)

Lauren's POV:

Me and Camila both sat in silence, i now had my head resting on her shoulders as our feet moved back and forth slowly in the water watching it ripple through the pool, i held Camila's hand in my own, resting them on my thigh. 
I turned my neck kissing the top of Camila's head softly, feeling content within this moment. 

Without realising what had happened, my head was rising above the water, and I was coughing and choking on the water that had just entered my mouth, hearing giggles coming from the side of the pool, i spun around in the water seeing Normani and Dinah standing there holding their stomachs, Their faces screwed up with laughter, as they doubled over. 

"Where's Camz" I say quickly looking around the pool and notice her laying at the bottom.

I swam down into the water hooking my arms around her small body, pulling her up to the surface, Mani and D instantly stopped laughing and came close to the edge as i swam backwards holding onto Camila, Dinah and Mani grabbed Camila pulling her out as i hoisted her up, I quickly pulled myself out of the water and hovered over Camila. 


I Clasped my hand over Camila's nose, using my other hand to seperate her lips, pressing my own mouth onto her own as i began breathing air into her lungs, Camila began coughing up water and i quickly leaned back as she sat up, her hand lifting to cover her mouth, i wrapped my arm around her back pulling her body into my own as she continued to cough. 

"Ssshh it's okay Mila I've got you" I hushed rocking her in my body. 

"I hate that sound" she groaned. 

"Sorry I forgot" I smiled sheepishly. 

"Mila I'm so sorry, I didn't know I wouldn't have done it if I did" Dinah said in a panic.

"It's fine D, you didn't know" Camila told her pulling away from me.

"I'm so sorry" Mani said.

"It's fine, I'm alive right" she smiled and I just shook my head still pissed at them, she might have forgiven them but I haven't.

"Lo it was a joke I'm fine, you saved me" Camila smiled at me.

"Not the point" I said looking anywhere but at the three of them. 

"But it is the point, you can't be mad at them I'm okay" Camila smiled turning my head so I was looking at her.

She is so adorable I couldn't help but let a smile form on my face. 

"Are we forgiven LoLo" Dinah pouted looking at me.

"Yes but only my Camz is allowed to call me that" I told them.

"We love you" they both chorused and sandwiched me.

"Yeah okay love you too, get off" I said rolling my eyes.

"Your Camz?" Camila smiled at me.

"Yes my Camz" I smiled and pecked her lips.

"Come on let's go get you dry beautiful" Camila smiled standing up offering her hand out which I took.

I wrapped my arm around Camila's shoulders and hers around my waist.

"Where's allycat?" Camz asked.

"Sleeping" Mani answered.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"I dunno, she didn't really talk to us, she just climbed in bed and went asleep" Dinah shrugged. 

"I'll talk to her tomorrow" I told them.

Me and Camila got into our hotel room and both stripped down completely naked, I smiled and watched as Camila pulled a long t-shirt out of the drawer, slipping it over her head, she is so incredibly adorable, I smiled doing the same and Camila wrapped her arms around my waist just as I slipped the shirt over my head.

"You okay?" She mumble her lips against my neck.

"Yeah, I just really want cuddles" I smiled at her over my shoulder.

"That can be arranged" she grinned. 

Her arms left my waist and she bounced over to the bed climbing in and patting the space next to her, i smiled and walked over climbing under the covers with her. 

Camila opened her arms and i crawled closer to her resting my head against Camila's chest,  our legs were tangled together as i played with her fingers that were resting on top of Camila's stomach, I was starring at our hands playing together, just having her hand in mine was enough for me, she always somehow managed to make me feel completely safe with such a simple touch. 

"Lo" she whispered and I looked up at her.
She smiled and pressed her lips to mine, I smiled kissing back and pulling on her bottom lip as we pulled away causing her to whimper, i couldn't stop the smirk from falling from my face as i heard the noise she had made, it was such a turn on. 

Camila blushed slightly as she realised what she had done but quickly brushed it off, as she stared into my eyes. 

"Night Lolo" she whispered and pecked my lips again.
"Night princess" I smiled and continued to play with her fingers not quite ready to fall asleep yet.
Camila wasn't bothered by it though, she allowed me to play with her fingers and rest my head on her chest, her breathing got deeper and within 5 minutes she was off to La La land, i was slightly jealous of how fast she could fall asleep, but i knew i wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight anyway, my thoughts weren't planning on leaving me for awhile. 

To be continued...


What are you thinking so far? Please comment and let me know.. Comments make me smile :)

Lily x

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