Chapter 68

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Camila stood by the front door wrapped up in Dinah's arms, her suitcase placed just outside of the front door.

"You can still stay here" Dinah whispered into Camila's ear.

"She doesn't want me here, I think it's best if I just go home for a week, my flight is already book, my dad is going to pick me up from the airport" Camila whispered back.

"She can't make you go, not after everything, all you done was tell her parents" Dinah squeezed Camila tighter.

"It's okay, I knew she would react badly I just didn't realise how bad, it's just a week okay, give her time to cool off, and give me a break it's for the best alright, you said so yourself that I needed a break"

"I didn't mean like this, I didn't mean for you to leave" Dinah said sadly.

"It's okay" Camila pulled back and held onto Dinah's hands smiling slightly.

Normani and Ally both stepped forward and wrapped Camila up in a group hug.

"We'll see you next week okay?" Normani smiled.

"I'll be here" Camila nodded.

The girls all stepped back and Camila looked over Ally's shoulder to see Lauren standing next to her mum watching them.

Camila walked over to Lauren and kissed her cheek softly.

"I'm Sorry" she whispered in her ear before turning on her heel and walking back towards the front door.

"Bye guys" Camila gave a small wave and left the house.

Camila wiped her eye with the back of her hand and held her head high as she entered the elevator.


"could you give us a minute?" Clara asked the girls.

"of course" Ally nodded and all the girls walked down the hallway and into Normani's room.

"why didn't you tell us?" Clara asked spinning around to face her eldest child.

"i was going to tell you, just not yet" Lauren told them sitting down on the couch too weak to stand any longer.

"you have Cancer Lauren this isn't something you can keep from us, what if you.." Clara trailed off not wanting to speak the words outloud.

"died?" Lauren asked for clarification.

"Lauren why would you keep this from us?" Mike asked his daughter sitting down beside her wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Because it's bad enough i have my friends and girlfriend looking at me like im incompetant i couldn't handle my family doing it too" Lauren admitted looking up at her dad.

"are we looking at you like that now?" Mike asked.

"no, but you look sad and that's just the same" Lauren told him.

"well our daughter has an illness of course we're going to be sad about it, even more so that it is something as serious as cancer, Lauren how would you feel if it was your daughter?" Clara asked Lauren sitting down on her oppsite side.

"i don't have a daughter" Lauren spoke in a monotone voice.

"no but if you did" mike asked.

"well of course i would be sad about it, what kind of question is that? i would feel like my heart had been ripped out because the person that i gave birth to has a sickness that could possibly kill her" Lauren stated the obvious.

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