Chapter 80

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Camila's POV:

7 Days since i walked away from Fifth Harmony, 7 Days since i left the love of my life, 7 Days since i started this new tour, 7 Days of feeling like a part of me is missing, 7 Days since i've eaten solid food, 7 Days since my life turned upside down.

My throat is so sore from not consuming any food, but i physically cannot, i have tried, but 3 days in a row i just kept bringing the food back up, sick to my stomach about what i did, so on day 4 i refused to eat, it's now day seven and i still refuse to eat, scared that i am going to vomit again.

On Day One i went to the airport and boarded the flight to the first destination of the tour, fighting back my tears so i didn't get asked questions, i arrived to the hotel early hours of the morning, i crawled into the bed and just laid their crying, i never slept, i wish that i had, because i had 12 hours of rehearsal for the tour.

On Day Two after rehearsals were all finished i rode back to the hotel, ordering room service and going up to my room, consuming the food that i ordered before throwing it up, i sat by the toilet, hovering my head down the hole as my throat burned and my tears stung my cheeks, i ended up crying myself to sleep on the bathroom floor, waking up when the maid knocked on my bedroom door letting me know that i was late to rehearsals.

Day Three, i felt like a zombie, dancing on an empty stomach, barely any water in my system, barely surviving as i practiced the routines over and over again,my body not used to having to work so hard, my voice complaining as i sang the lyrics to the new songs i was forced to record, i tried to eat again that day, keeping it down longer than before, until i remembered the look on Lauren's face and it all came back up again, i managed to crawl into the bed this time before drifting off into a mindless sleep.

Day Four, i didn't have rehearsal today, they were prepping the arena for the show tomorrow, so i laid in bed all day, kept my head under the quilt and just cried all day long clutching my chest, drifting in and out of sleep.

Day Five, Concert Day, i looked like shit, my hair felt dry and looked flat, i threw it up into a bun on my head, applied a small amount of make up and threw on my sweats to take the meet and greet pictures, the look of shock and horror on the fans faces when they saw how rough i looked knocking me down slightly, but i put on a smile, pretended everything was okay and took the photos, i remember a girl from that day, she came in wearing a shirt with mine and Lauren's faces plastered across it, and fifth harmony written on the back making my chest ache, she pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear "I Don't know what is going on, but i can see that you're hurting, everything will be okay eventually" it was because of that girl that i managed to get thought the full performance, when i got back into my hotel room that night i collapsed on the bed from exhaustion.

Day six, i woke up disorientated, not remembering how i had got to the hotel and what happened the day before, i didn't have a show today, but i had an interview on a radio show i can't remember the name of, i didn't want to go, i knew they were going to ask questions, about fifth harmony, about Lauren, i wouldn't be able to cope, and i didn't. they refused to let it go and i lost it and stormed out of the interview room and left the building climbing into the car that was waiting for me downstairs, day six was a blur after that.

Day Seven, that is today, i managed to eat some toast this morning, and i have so far kept it down, my voice is slowly going and its a strain, but no one around me seemed to notice, or cared for that matter, so i kept pushing on, i shouldn't have, half way through the show, i lost my voice and collapsed, completely passed out on the stage in front of a crowd of 20,000 people, way to go Camila Cabello.

"I'm not surprised you've been pushing me and everyone else away, was that so it would be easier to drop this bombshell on us? you thought if you could get everyone to hate you that they just wouldn't care when you eventually took off of your own"

"Lauren please i can't do this" Camila said turning and gripping the handle of her suitcase and started walking towards the bedroom door.

"You have no choice Camila, i want answers"

"I Can't give them to you" Camila looked down at the ground refusing to meet the green eyes gaze.

"Why not?" Lauren asked her hand firmly staying on Camila's arm.

"I Can't tell you that either"

Camila stepped forward again and opened the bedroom door, Lauren's hand slipping from her arm as she made her way out into the hallway and towards the living room.

Camila's heart ached as the dream repeated over and over in her head, she couldn't make it stop, it was like it was on a tape, and it wouldn't stop playing over and over again until you pressed stop, it won't stop until i wake up, why can't i wake up? please someone just let me wake up, i can't see that look on her face anymore, please.


I Feel so dizzy, i try to lift my hand to my head to wipe the sleep away from my eyes, my arm feels so heavy, i finally bring my hand to my face and knock something plastic covering my nose and mouth, what the hell, i rubbed at my eyes quickly before opening them and seeing an oxygen mask placed firmly over my face.

what's going on, oh my god, my heart started pounding in my chest and i could hear it beeping next to me on a monitor, hospital? i look down at my arm seeing needles sticking out of it connected to a drip, what the hell happened? i pressed my arms firmly against the bed slowly pushing myself up feeling like dead-weight.

"Hey you're awake" i looked up to see a man dressed in a white overcoat, a clipboard and pen held firmly in his hand.

"What happened to me?' i questioned.

"You don't remember?" he asked furrowing his brow.

"No? why am i here? where is Lauren?" i asked.

"You fainted on tour" he told me, as he looked down and scribbled something on his clipboard.

"Tour? we finished Tour didn't we?" i questioned.

"Camila what date do you think it is?" He asked curious.

"September 18th, we finished tour 2 days ago" i told him.

"Camila it is the 26th of September" the doctor told me.

"What? what do you mean that was 8 days ago? i have been in here for that long?" i questioned.

"No, you came in yesterday" he told me.

"I'm confused" i told him honestly.

"you came in from Justin Bieber's tour last night, you collapsed on stage from exhaustion, you haven't been eating i can see, and your blood pressure was very low, your throat looks like you have been pushing yourself too hard, and have been vomiting a lot" he said reading off of my chart.

"why don't i remember any of this?" i questioned him.

"i am not sure, you did hit your head as you went down, but you didn't have any permanent damage, but we will arrange a few scans and see if things have changed since then, but you should be able to regain your memories in a few days, it could just be your mind not quite processing everything yet"

"What if that doesn't happen?" i ask him.

"well we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now i need to contact your parents and let them know, i haven't been able to because i couldn't find anyone that had their details so, do you know their number?" he questioned, looking at me waiting, his pen held closely to the paper.

I Reeled the number off to him from memory and he excused himself, telling me a nurse would be in soon to check on my vitals.

Why would i be on tour with Justin bieber? and more importantly, why would i be doing it alone?

What on earth is going on?

I allowed myself to lay back in the bed and stare at the ceiling as i tried to recollect my thoughts.

To Be Continued....

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