Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV:

I rolled over and came face to face with a sleeping Camila, she's so cute when she's sleeping, I smiled reaching my hand up slowly caressing her cheek with my thumb, admiring her for a few moments, this is definitely my favourite time of day.

"Baby wake up" I said but she didn't even flinch.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead softly trying to get a reaction out of her.

"Camzi" I smiled and kissed her nose.

"I know you can hear me, wake up" I smiled lightly pressing my lips to hers, she didn't retaliate at first but after a few seconds her lips began to move in sync my own, I smile into the kiss slowly climbing on top of her running my hands through her hair, she smiled resting her hands on either side of my face tugging on my bottom lip as she pulled away.

"I'd like to wake up like that every morning please" she smiled her beautiful brown eyes starring into mine.

"I might be able to do that" I returned her smile and pressed my lips to hers again.

"You're amazing" she whispered.

"Not as amazing as you" I grinned tracing her lips with the pad of my thumb.

"Not true" she shook her head and kissed my thumb making me smile.

"I really love you you know" I told her sincerely.

"I know, I love you too beautiful" she smiled and kissed my thumb again that is still resting on her lips.

"I guess we should get dressed" I sigh after two minutes of starring into her eyes.

"We don't have to do this today baby" Camila says.

"I know but I just need to know" I couldn't wait any longer, if i am pregnant then i want to find out today, and if i am then i really don't know what i am going to do, i don't want the baby, especially because of the way that it was concieved, and also because of my age and it's just really not good timing, and i don't want to be reminded everyday of what happened.

"Okay" she nods her head.

I climb off of Camila and off the bed making my way over to my suitcase containing my clothes, i don't know why i haven't unpacked, there's wardrobes here for a reason, but i like to stay packed because it will make it easier if we ever get kicked off of the show.

We both just pull on sweats knowing we have to go to hair and make up afterwards anyway, I throw my hair in a ponytail and Camz does the same.

She slips her hand in mine and smiles at me, I can't help but bite my lip at her cuteness.

"I'll just tell the girls and we'll go okay" she smiles.

"No cause them they'll want to come" I love them i do, but right now i can't deal with everyone being around me, especially in this situation, the only reason Camila is coming is because i can't do it alone, i don't want to.

"It's fine, I'll tell them not to worry okay, but they have to know we're going" Camila pecked my lip softly and released my hand walking towards the door.

"Okay" I nodded my head sighing following after her.

I stood back as Camila knocked on the door where the other girls were staying and announced that we would be leaving for the hospital, they immediately jumped in and said that they would join us, but Camila quickly shut them down and I couldn't have loved her more in that moment.

We climbed in the car and told him where we wanted to go, I liked our driver because he never asked questions, i guess that was in the rules when he was given the job.

We arrived at the entrance and I was so nervous, my stomach was in knots, and i was having heart palpitations.

"It's okay Lauren I'm right here" Camz squeezed my hand, standing on her tip toes to press her lips against my temple.

I gave her a small smile and we slowly walked in.

I'm so glad she's here with me, I honestly couldn't have done it by myself, and i don't feel like telling my mum, she would literally freak out.

Camila talks to the receptionist for me while I stand there awkwardly, staring down at the ground, too nervous and disgusted to look her in the eye, Camila took my hand leading me into the waiting room, she sat down in one of the empty chairs and pulled me to sit in her lap.

I rested my head in the crook of her neck and let out a content sigh, she could always manage to make me feel calm, even if my heart was still racing.

Her hand traced small patterns on my back soothing me, I almost fell asleep until I heard the doctor say my name, that's when the panic set in again.

"Stay with me" I asked Camila with pleading eyes, knowing i would probably break if i had to go through the process alone.

"Of course" Camila squeezed my hang encouragingly and followed behind the doctor into his room.

"So Mrs. Jauregui I'm Dr Fitz, what seems to be the problem?" He smiled as I sat down on the bed.

"Ermm I was.. Uh I was" I looked over at Camila nervously.

"She was raped two weeks ago and she's started throwing up, so we just want to check to make sure she's not pregnant" Camila said for me and I quietly said ThankYou causing her to smile at me.

"Have you reported this to the police?" The doctor questioned me.

"It was all taken care of, i'd rather not discuss it" I told him politely.

"Okay well I can check that for you, but i needed to make sure everything had been dealt with, i wouldn't have been doing my duty if i didn't, i apologize if i upset you" The doctor spoke sincerely, frown lines etched into his forehead.

"No it's okay, i understand" I nodded.

"Okay, but cause you are only two weeks I'm gonna have to go from your Vagina, it's basically a long stick, you'll feel some discomfort okay?" He asked as a question and i just nodded feeling slightly awkward about the situation.

"If you could just change into this for me" he says handing me a robe.

"I'll be back in 2 minutes okay" he smiled softly, then left the room to give me some privacy.

"Camila I'm so scared" I whispered tears starting to brim in my eyes.

"It's okay, i am right here, i'm not going anywhere, come on let's get you changed" she smiled rubbing my arm softly.

Camila took my clothes from me as i removed them and folded them into a neat pile, setting them down on the doctors desk that was placed on the far right in the room.

The doctor returned and continued to smile at me, and to be honest it was really starting to irk me, this is not a situation to smile about, it's making me so uncomfortable.

"Okay just lay back for me and pop your legs up on these brackets here" he smiled yet again and I done as he said.

I looked over at Camila and put my hand out, she quickly stood up from where she was sitting, taking my left hand into her own, her right hand reaching up to rest on my cheek caressing it softly.

"Okay this is gonna feel slightly cold and uncomfortable" the doctor said I felt him slowly push the wand inside of me.

This feels so horrible.

I looked over at Camila and kept my eyes on hers not allowing them to move away.

It felt like ages before he slowly pulled the wand out of me and looked at me with a blank expression.

"Lauren you're...."

To be continued....

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