Chapter 64

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I know before I told you guys how amazing trials and tribulations is and I suggested that you read it, but when I told you that I hadn't finished it yet, and now I have and I just want to say wow! I could never live up to the standard of that author as much I would love to, she is such an incredible writer and her words are beautiful, I fell in love with the words as well as the entire book in itself, I know this seems strange maybe for me to write this, but I just needed to talk about it cause it is just so incredible, and to read the journey of it all and then come to the end and having to face reality that is in in fact fiction it's just god it's difficult, cause you want so bad for it to be real sometimes but it never is.. And honestly I think that's what breaks your heart the most when you get to the end of a book, you've lived through the characters and gone along on their journeys, but it's not real.

But this quote will always stand to be real.

"A reader lives a thousand lives"

Because what is life if you're not living through other people when reading? It would be incredibly boring! Which is why I love reading and writing so much! Cause when you're reading you feel like you're there, that you're watching it all unfold before your eyes.

And when you're writing, you picture yourself as the character if it is someone completely made up, but when it's based on someone, you feel like you're with them also, it's amazing how words can make you feel.

And those words in that book had such an impact I can only hope that one day my words will have an impact on someone the way that author has done with me.

I'm sorry for rambling.

On with the story <3

Authors POV:

Camila's hand continued to draw circles on Lauren's arm as she slept peacefully on her lap, her head having dropped from Camila's shoulder to her lap not to long ago, Camila used her free hand to brush Lauren's long mass of curls away from her face so she could watch as she slept peacefully, She watched Lauren's eyes flutter instantly assuming she was in the middle of a dream, she smiled to herself hoping it was a good one, knowing that her girlfriend needed the relief after the past few days, Lauren's hand lifted in her sleep and came to rest next to her face across Camila's lap, Camila's fingers moved slowly across Lauren's cheek and down to her girlfriends lips that puckered slightly from the touch.

Her fingers moving shortly after to run her fingertips across Lauren's hand, her other hand still occupied by the same task of drawing circles on Lauren's arm, Camila couldn't help but smile as Lauren's fingers twitched against hers, Camila's touch affecting her even in her sleep.


"Hmmm" Camila's head lifted up as she met the eyes that the voice came from and saw Dinah watching her.

"Do you need anything?" She asked knowing that Camila couldn't move in case of waking the girl sleeping on her.

"No I'm good" Camila smiled appreciatively her gaze dropping back down to the sleepy beauty.

"What's going on in your head?" Dinah asked trying to read Camila's mind as she watched her caressing Lauren's cheek lovingly.

"How beautiful she is and that she shouldn't have to go through something like this, she hasn't done any harm to the world, all I've ever seen her do is good yet the world keeps throwing obstacles in her way, cancer, Keaton and..." Camila's voice trailed off as she remembered the day that Lauren revealed her scars to her.

The sadness that came over her when she saw what her girlfriend had done to herself, not being able to stop herself pressing her lips to Lauren's soft flesh, wanting Lauren to love herself as much as she did, as much as she admired her for her strength, she wanted Lauren to see how amazing she is, and that no matter how many scars that littered her body she would still love her regardless.

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