Chapter 70

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3 months Later.

Camila's POV:

Today was Lauren's final chemo treatment and honestly i was so glad that it was over, the past 4 months have been an absolute nightmare.

when i had got back that week after Lauren had kicked me out everything was fine, we went back to normal there were no arguments, the girls were helping me as much as they could so i wasn't doing everything on my own, Lauren's parents were flying out every 2 weeks and staying for 2 days when Lauren had her chemo, so they could give me and the girls a break and go out and try to enjoy ourselves but i never could, because Lauren would constantly be on my mind.

after Lauren's 5th chemo treatment she had gotten worse, i remember finding her in the bed, she wasn't breathing and i was so scared, i screamed at Dinah to call an ambulance and they came as soon as they could, placing Lauren on a stretcher and working on her in the back of the ambulance to get her breathing again.

once they had her in the hospital they kept doing tests on her, the looks on their faces made me so worried that the cancer had spread, that she wasn't going to make it.

but when the tests came back everything was clear, the doctors couldn't understand why Lauren had stopped breathing.

they kept Lauren overnight and continued to check on her to make sure everything was okay, i didn't sleep that night, the doctors refused to let me stay so i had no choice but to go home, i sat on the sofa starring into space, my mind doing backflips praying that Lauren was going to be okay.

It's not an easy thing to find, walking in a bedroom and your girlfriend isn't breathing, i felt like i could have died in that moment, but thankfully i didn't and neither did she.

since that night everything has seemed to go nowhere but up, Lauren was doing so much better, she started eating more, and we started going for a walk 2 hours a day so she wasn't stuck in the house 24/7, she would stay awake during the day hours because she finally had enough energy to do so, honestly i was so happen when Lauren walked out of the bedroom that morning 2 months ago, fully clothed and ask me if i would go on a walk with her.

now it's just become a routine, on the days she has chemo therapy we would make sure to get our walk in before we had to go, i actually enjoyed going on our walks, it was always just me and her, and we would just talk and talk until Lauren became too tired and she would have to sit down for 10 minutes before we made our silent walk back home.

"Finally, no more trips to the hospital" Lauren took in a deep breath as we walked outside of the hospital.

"except for next week when we have to come and talk to the doctor to see if it had cleared up" i told her.

"okay finally no more trips to the hospital where they inject me with shit for 2 hours" Lauren corrected herself.

i couldn't help but roll my eyes at Lauren but it was good to see her happy.

"Excuse me" we heard a small voice from behind us and me and Lauren spun around to see a little girl around the age of 7 in a wheelchair, a tube attached to her nose and her oxygen tank attached to the back of the wheelchair, and a bobble hat placed firmly on her head to cover up the fact that she was bald.

"Hey cutie" Lauren smiled instantly crouching down so she was face to face with the little girl.

"can i have a picture with you two?" she asked looking up at me when she said two.

"of course" i grinned and looked up at her mum who was standing behind her daughters wheelchair.

"she loves you guys, she was in a coma for two weeks and my elder daughter had your song don't want to dance alone playing on her phone, and her eyes fluttered open and she said i love this song" her mum wiped away a lone tear that was sitting in the corner of her eye as she thought back on the memory.

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