Chapter 16

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Camila's POV:

It's Saturday morning Lauren and I are in the hospital waiting for her to be called, she's been acting like her normal self these past for days and I'm glad but part of me thinks it's all just an act, when I woke up this morning she had tear stains running down her face and it just broke my heart, I know she didn't want to do this, she feels disgusted when people abort their children, and now it's her so I hate to know what she's thinking about in that head of hers, even if she is only pregnant because she got raped, it's still a life inside her that she is carrying, but not for long, in a few hours it'll be as if it never existed, and hopefully we can all get passed this, especially Lauren, I need to take extra care of her over the next few days, because even though she's strong and independent, she'd never admit that she really needs a hug and for someone to just hold her while she cries, everyone breaks, everyone needs someone. 

I felt Lauren climb of my lap dragging me out of my thoughts. 

"They called me Camz" she said quietly. 

I nod my head giving her a small smile standing up taking her hand in mine walking with her down the hall.

We walked into the office, being greeted by the same doctor who we had seen before, Lauren sat down and spoke to him for a minute before swallowing the second pill, after saying goodbye to the doctor we walked out of the hospital and into the awaiting car, Lauren sat in silence, her head resting on the window, it wasn't long until i looked over and saw her crying. 

"Lo are you okay?" I asked.

"It hurts" she whispered.

"Already" I say shocked and she just nodded.

"It's okay baby" I try and soothe her stroking her back. 

"I really need to go to the toilet" she groaned. 

"We'll be back at the hotel in 5 minutes okay" I tried to comfort her. 

"I really have to go" she groaned clutching her stomach doubling forward to try and ease her discomfort. 

Oh god I can't watch her go through this, she looks like she's in so much pain and it's only just started.
"I'm going to be sick" Lauren quickly opened the window throwing up down the side of the car. 

"I'm sorry" I apologised to the driver and he just gave me a sympathetic smile in the mirror.

We pulled up at the hotel and Lauren practically ran up to our room, I ran after her and found her sitting on the toilet clutching her stomach, I sat on the bath running my hands through her hair not knowing what to do, how can I help her, what am i supposed to do? 

"Do you want me to get the girls to get you some painkillers?" I asked her in a hushed tone and she nodded. 

I pulled my phone out sending a group text to the girls.

Dinah came into the room 5 minutes later and I look up as she stands in the bathroom doorway.

"Ally and Normani have gone" she clarified when I looked at her in questioning. 

"You okay laur?" Dinah asked. 

Lauren's tears just kept streaming down her face, she clutched her stomach shaking her head.
My eyes went wide as she let out and ear piercing scream. 

"It hurts oh my god Camz it really hurts" she sobbed hysterically. 

I wanted to break down crying with her, I can't watch her like this.

"I'm going to run you a bath okay, maybe the heat will help" I said in a panic not knowing what else to do, I put the plug in turning on the taps letting the water run into the bath. 

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