Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV: 

I was standing outside Camila's house with my parents and siblings, waiting for someone to open the door, it sucks that I won't be able to hold Camila's hand and kiss her while I'm here, be strong Lauren, I shook my head laughing to myself and everyone just looked at me like I was weird. 

Can't say i blamed them, if one of them starting laughing randomly i'd look at them like they were crazy too. 

Sinu opened the door greeting us all with a smile. 

"Camila's upstairs" Sinu smiled at me. 

I thanked her and jogged upstairs, walking into Camila's bedroom, i knocked on the door but when there was no answer i slowly walked in seeing Camila on her bed, her eyes shut with her headphones in singing quietly to herself, i grinned and quickly ran over jumping on her stomach so i was straddling her waist, Camila's eyes shot open in a panic and she hit me in the stomach when she realised it was only me. 

"Not cool Lolo" she said pulling her headphones out. 

"Sorry beautiful" I smiled and pecked her lips. 

She turned her head to her door, checking to see if it was closed, before grabbing me flipping us over and locking her lips with mine, I ran my tongue over her bottom lip begging for entrance which she granted immediately, my tongue slipped in her mouth massaging against hers, my hands roaming down her back squeezing her ass lightly, she bit my tongue causing me to moan into her mouth softly.
"Ehem" Camila flew off of me to the other side of the bed, starring up into the eyes of my sister. 

"Taylor, what the fuck, haven't you heard of knocking" I raised my voice at her sitting up. 

Camila looked like she was in shock, she was frozen in place not moving a muscle, just starring at Taylor. 

Taylor just started squealing jumping up and down. 

"What are you doing?" I looked at her weirdly. 

"Camren is real oh my god" she grinned still squealing. 

"Keep it down, we haven't told anyone yet" I glared at her. 

"Sorry, but oh my god, awww I knew it" Taylor grinned. 

"It's that obvious?" I asked her. 

"Well kinda, just the way you guys would look at eachother, or hug, an hold hands you were just cute" The smile still not leaving Taylor's face. 

"Uh is Camila okay?" Taylor asked. 

I turned to look at Camila who was just starring into space with a blank expression on her face. 

"Taylor shut the door" 

Taylor quickly ran over to the door closing it and leaning against it. 

"Baby" I said sitting in front of her so she would have to look at me. 

"It's just Taylor okay, she won't say anything until we do, breath baby" I rested my hands on either side of her face, she blinked slowly and stared at me. 

"It's okay" I whispered kissing her nose softly. 

"I'm sorry I freaked out" Camila finally spoke. 

"It's okay Baby, it's understandable, you're scared of what people are going to say" 

"But I shouldn't be, I shouldn't care what people think, because I love you and you love me, that's all that should matter" I could see that Camila was starting to get frustrated with herself, but i also understood why she didn't want people to know. 

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